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Presenter Information for the 5th Foresight Conference on MNT

Preliminary Draft, November25, 1996

Abstracts of Conference Presentations

  • Abstracts should list the names and affiliations of all authors.
  • Submissions must include information on the contact person for the paper: name, full work address (including street address for express delivery), fax number, and e-mail address. Authors not wishing specific information to appear on the abstract posted on the Web should indicate clearly which information they do not wish to appear.
  • Links to the web pages of authors and their institutions are encouraged.
  • A sample abstract from the 4th Foresight Conference
  • For additional guides to style, see the section below on the preparation of full papers for the conference.


An html template (draft) for preparing an abstract

  • Use the "Save as Source" or "Save as HTML Source" (as opposed to the "Save as Text") function of your browser to save a copy of the above template to your hard disk.
  • Open and add your text to the template using the text editor of your choice.
  • Enter the title of the abstract, authors names and affiliations, addresses, etc. where indicated.
  • Enter one or more paragraphs of description of the work to be presented. There is no size limitation for the abstract, although it is recommended that the abstract present about one screen-full of information.
  • Authors may, if they wish, include references and hypertext links for relevant web pages.
  • Authors need not make entries in the header and footer sections, contained between the comment tags [for example, <!-- this is the beginning of the header -->].
  • The abstract should be saved as a text file and and submitted by e-mail to [email protected].


Preparation of Conference Papers

  • A white background is required.
  • The name, affiliation, address, e-mail and web page are all desired.
  • A link to the main conference page is required.
  • The article can be made available on any web server that the author desires. Many authors will choose to have Foresight make the article available on the Foresight web server, but this is not required.
  • Some care in using HTML features is suggested. If new or unusual features are used which might not be supported (or, even worse, might result in misinterpretations) by older browsers or text-only browsers (such as lynx), then an appropriate warning should be included at the beginning of the article.


WARNING: This page uses the <sup> and <sub> convention for superscripts and subscripts. If "103" is the same as "103" then your browser does not support superscripts. If "xi" is the same as "xi" then your browser does not support subscripts. Failure to support superscripts or subscripts can lead to confusion in the following text, particularly in interpreting exponents.


A sample html template (draft) for preparing a full paper is available.


Submission of Papers

Papers should be submitted by email to [email protected]. Figures should be submitted as attached GIF or JPEG files; html should be sent as an attached text document (alternatively it may be included in the body of the email message). Files can also be sent as standard attached compressed archives (such as .sit or .Z).


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