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National Science Foundation Sponsored Forum

In Conjunction with the
1998 Sixth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology

Forum: From Scientific Discovery to the Nanotechnology of Tomorrow

Moderator: Prof. M.C. Roco, NSF
Chair of Interagency Nanotechnology Group

Nanotechnology arises from the exploitation of novel physical, chemical and biological properties, phenomena and processes of systems that are intermediate in size (0.1 to 100 nm) between isolated atoms/molecules and bulk materials. It is estimated that nanotechnology will have a broad and fundamental effect on other technologies.

The Forum will address the following issues:

  • Interdependence and synergism between scientific discovery and technology in nanoscale research
  • The path from fundamental discovery of new properties and phenomena to industrial applications in nanotechnology
  • Ways to facilitate and best utilize current and expected leap advances in nanotechnology


Invited lectures from industry, universities and national laboratories will analyze the path from exploratory research and new fundamental discoveries at nanoscale to emerging technologies. Time for questions, discussion and group interaction will be provided.

Invited Speakers:

"From Discoveries to Novel Nanodevices"
Dr. Herb Goronkin,
Director of Research, Motorola

"Nanoscience Research at the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility and its Technological Relevance"
Prof. Joseph Ballyntyne, Cornell Univ.,
Director of the National Nanofabrication Users Network

"Nanotechnolgy at NASA"
Dr. M. Meyyappan (NASA Ames) and Dr. Carl Kukkonen (JPL).

"Dynamic Behavior of Nanoparticles in the Initial Stage of Sputtering"
Prof. Hiroshi Komiyama, University of Tokyo, Japan

"Nanostructures - from Science to Technology: three DOD Case Studies"
Dr. James S. Murday
Naval Research Laboratory

"Nano and Microscale Patterning of Organic/Inorganic Functional Composites"
Professor Ilhan A. Aksay
Princeton University

"Self-Assembly & Protein-Engineering - Molecular Organization of Biomolecules in Two-Dimensions"
Dr. Robert Tampe
Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany

"Nanotechnology from Concept to Commercialization: Particle Generation and Inkjet Systems"
Dr. John Mendel and Dr. M. Carmody
Eastman Kodak, Rochester, N.Y. 14652-3701


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