We found 230 results for your search.

Nanocrystal-in-glass composite controlled by voltage

Covalent bonding of nanocrystals into a glass makes the glass ‘smart’ enough to transmit heat, light, both, or neither as desired.

DNA nanotechnology builds solar energy antenna

A simple DNA scaffold organizes light-collecting molecules for artificial photosynthesis.

Germanane: germanium&#39s answer to graphane

Soon after graphene sheets were being produced on a laboratory scale routinely, researchers began producing the hydrogenated version graphane (with a hydrogen atom on each carbon). This step is one of many approaches aimed at harnessing grapheneā€™s powerful conductivity and is also being explored for hydrogen storage and other potential applications (more info in this… Continue reading Germanane: germanium&#39s answer to graphane

Atomically precise placement of dangling bonds on silicon surface

Nanotechnology researchers in London have used a scanning tunneling microscope to create atomically precise quantum states from dangling bonds on a silicon surface.

Proposed Brain Activity Map may also advance nanotechnology

A proposed large project to produce a dynamic map of the functional connectome of the human brain will require a convergence of neuroscience, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and computation, and may therefore spur the development of advanced nanotechnology leading to molecular manufacturing.

Synthetic biology industrial revolution inspires hope for molecular manufacturing

A demonstration that most fundamental biological processes can be implemented in a test tube as efficiently as in live bacteria provides synthetic biology the tools to create a ‘new industrial revolution’, which may or may not lead to more general molecular manufacturing.

Nanometer-scale optical positioning and focusing

A theoretical proposal for optical tweezers and an experimental optical focusing device both depend upon electromagnetic waves trapped and guided along metal-insulator interfaces. Will these advances provide tools for manipulating molecular building blocks?

Testing and improving scaffolded DNA origami for molecular nanotechnology

In two different sets of experiments a German research group has shown that scaffolded DNA origami can be used to assemble complex structures with precise sub-nanometer positional control, and that constant temperature reaction can greatly increase yields and decrease production times.

Optimal bond loads in designing molecular machines

A study of a biological molecular machine has shown that the machine functions most effectively when it uses chemical bonds just barely strong enough to survive the power stroke of the machine.

Arbitrarily complex 3D DNA nanostructures built from DNA bricks

A set of 32-nucleotide single strand DNA bricks was designed so that each can interact independently with four other DNA bricks so that sets of hundreds of bricks can self-assemble into arbitrarily complex 25-nm 3D shapes, each comprising 1000 8-base pair volume elements.

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