We found 307 results for your search.

Automated synthesis expands nanotechnology building block repertoire

Iterative coupling, purification, and cyclization of a large collection of organic building blocks promises a vast array of complex small and medium sized molecules as candidates for drug discovery, catalysis, and nanotechnology.

Atomically precise manufacturing as the future of nanotechnology

A commentary over at Gizmodo argues that ideas about molecular manufacturing that sounded like science fiction in 1986 now sound more like science fact.

Swarms of DNA nanorobots execute complex tasks in living animal

Combinations of different types of DNA nanorobots, implementing different logic gates, work together to tag a specific type of cell in a living cockroach depending on the presence or absence of two protein signals.

New software reveals more molecular machine structures

New software makes it possible to generate 3D structures of proteins without artificially incorporating metal atoms in the proteins, making it possible to study many molecular machines using data that could not previously be analyzed.

New way to couple carbon atoms yields novel molecular architectures

A new strategy to form bonds between carbon atoms opens the way to a wide variety of molecular architectures that had been difficult or impossible to access using previous methods.

Broadening the synthetic biology path to molecular nanotechnology

Advances in the de novo design of coiled-coil proteins made by two different research groups proceeding by two different routes demonstrate that the range of protein nanostructures potentially available for various molecular machine systems is significantly larger than the range of such structures already exploited by natural selection.

Grant program to support nanotechnology and other infrastructure

The US National Science Foundation announced a new grant program to develop and apply next-generation networking to advance nanotechnology and other emerging technologies to meet important national needs.

Tailoring the shapes of organic molecules by assembly-line synthesis

To emulate the process by which nature assembles complex organic molecules by passing subunits through a series of enzyme domains, UK chemists developed a procedure to elongate a boronic ester by using a reagent that inserts into carbon-boron bonds with precise control of molecular configuration.

What kind of nanomachines will advanced nanotechnology use?

An interview with UK nanotechnologist Richard Jones argues that the surest and most efficient path to advanced nanomachine function will incorporate or mimic biomolecular nanomachinery rather than scaled down rigid conventional machinery.

Nanotechnology-based next generation memory nears mass production

Rice University’s breakthrough nanoporous silicon oxide technology for resistive random-access memory (RRAM) appears poised for commercialization.

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