We found 253 results for your search.

Mass production of higher quality oligonucleotides to spur DNA nanotechnology

Biotechnology-based isolation and amplification of sequence-verified clones of DNA oligonucleotides will provide longer and less expensive materials for building complex DNA nanostructures and nanomachinery.

AI for synthetic chemistry may provide more building blocks for nanotechnology

Millions of organic chemicals and reactions have been incoporated into a huge computer network along with search algorithms to find new synthetic pathways. A way to find new building blocks for molecular nanotechnology?

Rational design of peptoids: a route to advanced nanotechnology?

A combination of theoretical and experimental work on peptoids, synthetic analogs of proteins, points to the ability to design peptoids with desired structures and functions.

SAVE THE DATE: The 2013 Foresight Technical Conference

The 2013 Foresight Technical Conference: Illuminating Atomic Precision will be held January 11-13, 2013 in Palo Alto, CA USA.

Advancing nanotechnology with protein building blocks

A variety of protein cage structures have been constructed by designing specific protein domains to self-assemble as atomically precise protein building blocks in defined geometries.

Carbon nanotube graphene composite improves downhill bike rim

Zyvex Technologies and ENVE Composites have demonstrated the superiority of a proprietary nanostructured composite in downhill cycling.

Advanced nanofactories in twenty years?

An article in The Guardian quotes Christine Peterson and Robert Freitas on the vision of molecular manufacturing. Freitas is quoted as expecting that the development of nanofactories could be done in 20 years for “on the order of” one billion dollars.

2011 Foresight Institute Prize in Communication deadline is Sept. 30, 2011

The Foresight Institute Prize in Communication recognizes outstanding journalistic or other communication endeavors that lead to a better public understanding of molecular nanotechnology or other key emerging technologies of high social or environmental impact.

Does nanotechnology need PR?

Does nanotechnology need more energetic PR, and if so, what kind?

First programmable nanowire circuits for nanoprocessors

Researchers at Harvard and MITRE have produced the world’s first programmable nanoprocessor

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