We found 230 results for your search.

New strides in understanding mechanochemical reactions

New time-resolved, high-energy Xray studies of mechanochemical (ball milling) reactions take another step toward reducing the gap between current and future machine-phase chemistry.

Biological molecular motors programmed to run DNA chasis

Two types of biological molecular motors that run in opposite directions along a protein track can be used in different arrangements to either move a complex DNA cargo along the track or engage in a tug-of-war.

Assembling biomolecular nanomachines: a path to a nanofactory?

A “cut and paste” method uses an atomic force microscope to assemble protein and DNA molecules to form arbitrarily complex patterns on a surface. Developing this approach to form enzymatic assembly lines could be a path toward a general purpose nanofactory.

3D printers as universal chemistry sets for nanotechnology

Researchers have configured a 3D printer as an inexpensive, automated discovery platform for synthetic chemistry. A road to more complex molecular building blocks for nanotechnology?

Solid state synthetic molecular machine points to advanced nanotechnology

Interlocking organic molecules held between copper atoms have been assembled in a void inside a solid state material to create a very simple molecular machine, a wheel that spins around an axle.

Adding to the toolbox for making complex molecular machines

A set of rationally engineered transcriptional regulators for yeast will make it easier to build complex molecular machine systems in yeast, some of which may become useful additions to pathway technologies for atomically precise manufacturing and productive nanosystems.

Faster, less expensive medical diagnostics through nanotechnology

New protein repellent coating enhances the speed of carbon nanotube-based biosensors, pointing the way to faster, cheaper medical diagnostics.

DNA nanotechnology-based nanorobot delivers cell suicide message to cancer cells

Functioning DNA nanorobots to deliver specific molecular signals to cells were designed by combining DNA origami, DNA aptamers, and DNA logic gates.

Machine learning may improve molecular design for nanotechnology

A set of machine learning programs can now predict properties of small organic molecules as accurately as can calculations based upon the Schrödinger equation, but in milliseconds rather than hours.

Atomically-precise positioning of a single atom transistor-VIDEO

Researchers in Australia and the US have demonstrated a working transistor by placing of single atom of phosphorous with atomic precision between gates made of wires only a few phosphorous atoms wide. This demonstration points to possibly extending current computer technology to the atomic scale.

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