We found 307 results for your search.

Molecular sponges give atomic structures of trace substances

A porous metal-organic framework ‘host’ soaks up molecular ‘guests’ to form a crystalline complex, the structure of which can be determined by X-ray crystallography, providing atomic-resolution structures of minute amounts of guest molecules, and perhaps eventually other nanostructures.

Recent highlights and discussions of APM concepts

The release of Eric Drexlerā€™s new book Radical Abundance has sparked a resurgence of discussion about nanotechnology and the global future. Last month, Nanowerk reprinted Drexlerā€™s blog write-up entitled The Physical Basis of High-Throughput Atomically Precise Manufacturing, a reader-friendly overview highlighting parallels between molecular manufacturing and conventional chemistry and manufacturing. Over the last couple months,… Continue reading Recent highlights and discussions of APM concepts

Atomically precise placement of dangling bonds on silicon surface

Nanotechnology researchers in London have used a scanning tunneling microscope to create atomically precise quantum states from dangling bonds on a silicon surface.

RNA-protein motor for unidirectional movement of DNA in nanomachinery

Revolution of DNA around a central channel, rather than rotation, is the method used by a viral molecular motor to package DNA. A structure facilitating bottom-up assembly may lead to roles in nanotechnology for these nanomotors.

Re-engineering a junction to give a new twist to DNA nanotechnology

By forcing the geometry of the junctions upon which DNA nanotechnology depends, researchers have increased the collection of 2D and 3D structures that they can build to include wire frames and mesh structures.

Proposed Brain Activity Map may also advance nanotechnology

A proposed large project to produce a dynamic map of the functional connectome of the human brain will require a convergence of neuroscience, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and computation, and may therefore spur the development of advanced nanotechnology leading to molecular manufacturing.

Artificial molecular machine synthesizes a small peptide

A small molecular machine based on a rotaxane molecule autonomously added three amino acids in a programmed order to a seed tripeptide to form a hexapeptide

Controlled stepwise rotation on a single atom bearing

Electrons from a scanning tunneling microscope tip turn a five-arm rotor connected via a single ruthenium atom bearing to a tripod anchoring the molecular motor to a gold surface.

Nanometer-scale optical positioning and focusing

A theoretical proposal for optical tweezers and an experimental optical focusing device both depend upon electromagnetic waves trapped and guided along metal-insulator interfaces. Will these advances provide tools for manipulating molecular building blocks?

Optimal bond loads in designing molecular machines

A study of a biological molecular machine has shown that the machine functions most effectively when it uses chemical bonds just barely strong enough to survive the power stroke of the machine.

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