We found 230 results for your search.

Designing protein-protein interactions for advanced nanotechnology

Progress in computational modeling of protein structures and in designing protein interfaces that bind in a desired geometrical orientation prepare the way for designing protein components of molecular machine systems.

A modular molecular composite nanosystem for solar power

A bacterial virus called M13 was genetically engineered to control the arrangement of carbon nanotubes, improving solar-cell efficiency by nearly one-third.

Much faster directed evolution of proteins could speed development of molecular machine systems

Phage-assisted continuous evolution of proteins is roughly a hundred times faster than conventional laboratory evolution of proteins, perhaps speeding the development of components for molecular machine systems.

Real-time monitoring of atomic force microscope probes

Real-time monitoring of atomic-force-microscope probes to adjust for wear may speed up and improve the accuracy of measurements and manipulations done with AFMs.

Nanotechnology promises low-cost method to squash superbugs

Novel biodegradable nanoparticles destroy membranes of drug-resistant ‘superbugs’ without harming blood cell membranes.

AFM visualization of molecular robot moving along DNA scaffold (with video)

Researchers in the UK and Japan use atomic force microscopy to visualize a DNA molecular robot moving along a 100-nm DNA track.

Does nanotechnology need PR?

Does nanotechnology need more energetic PR, and if so, what kind?

Advance could speed RNA nanotechnology

RNA nanostructures chemically modified to be resistant to degradation retain 3D structure and biological activity.

Request for public comment on National Nanotechnology Initiative's Strategic Plan

US National Nanotechnology Initiative wants your comments on its strategic plan.

Graphene research wins Physics Nobel for European nanotechnologists

Unique properties of two-dimensional arrays of carbon atoms promise both immediate applications and advantages for the development of advanced nanotechnology.

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