We found 230 results for your search.

Nanotechnology roadmap draws attention for importance of nanosystems design

On the Editor’s Page at Medical DeviceLinkCom, Shana Leonard writes about the crucial need for design and modeling techniques to guide nanosystems development toward fabrication, and cites the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems. From “A Different Kind of Intelligent Design” Drawing from numerous workshops held from 2005 to 2007, Battelle (Columbus, OH) and the Foresight… Continue reading Nanotechnology roadmap draws attention for importance of nanosystems design

Lining up proteins for nanotechnology

Advanced nanotech might benefit if proteins could be arrayed on a surface so that they could be quickly and easily scanned for function or interactions with other molecules.

Nanotechnology creates structures that mimic proteins

A major advance in mimicking protein function has been made by scientists working with peptoids.

Which way(s) to advanced nanotechnology?

Will nanotechnology culminate with diamondoid nanorobots produced in nanofactories by atomically precise mechanosynthesis, or with “soft” machines that mimic the way biological molecular machines work?

Nanotechnology online: gamers invited to aid protein design

Can online gamers add to the nanotech toolkit for perfecting the de novo design of proteins that do not exist in nature?

Will a "'proto-prototype' for a nanoassembler" lead to atomically precise manufacturing?

A special issue of the International Journal of Nanomanufacturing presenting topics on manufacturing in 3D at the nanoscale (derived from the 4th International Symposium on Nanomanufacturing held at MIT in November 2006) contains a report of a nanomanipulator for the complex assembly of nanoparticles. Although the press release from Inderscience Publishers, via AAAS EurekAlert (“Are… Continue reading Will a "'proto-prototype' for a nanoassembler" lead to atomically precise manufacturing?

Nanotechnology may bring the $100-dollar personal genome in five years

Two companies are applying nanotechnology to develop a really cheap method to sequence individual genomes to make possible individualized medicine.

Complex molecular nanotechnology systems to be built in Netherlands

It’s great to see ambitious goals being set in nanotechnology, like these “molecular mini-factories“. Researchers from a wide range of disciplines at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) will be joining forces in the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS). They will be investigating the exact mechanism behind self-organization, the principle behind all life on earth.… Continue reading Complex molecular nanotechnology systems to be built in Netherlands

Automated molecular evolution as a tool for nanotechnology

Lab-on-a-chip technology has been used to automate the evolution of molecules so that this approach might prove useful for nanotech purposes.

Nanotechnology uses molecular motor to reveal presence of single DNA molecule

Nanotechnology may enable faster and more sensitive detection of disease by using a molecular motor to spin a gold nanorod in the presence of the right DNA molecule.

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