We found 64 results for your search.

Expanded DNA alphabet provides more options for nanotechnology

A bacterium has been engineered to stably propagate a DNA written with six letters instead of the usual four, greatly expanding the number of amino acids, both natural and synthetic, that can be genetically encoded. Further work could lead to novel proteins incorporating these additional amino acids, and from there to novel materials, devices, and machines.

Computational design of protein-small molecule interactions

A major advance in the computational design of proteins that bind tightly to specific small molecules will facilitate several technologies, possibly including the development of atomically precise manufacturing.

Proposed Brain Activity Map may also advance nanotechnology

A proposed large project to produce a dynamic map of the functional connectome of the human brain will require a convergence of neuroscience, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and computation, and may therefore spur the development of advanced nanotechnology leading to molecular manufacturing.

Foresight Institute on Singularity Hub (video)

Recent interview touches on new Foresight programs and issues in nanotechnology development

Adding to the toolbox for making complex molecular machines

A set of rationally engineered transcriptional regulators for yeast will make it easier to build complex molecular machine systems in yeast, some of which may become useful additions to pathway technologies for atomically precise manufacturing and productive nanosystems.

Roadmap to an abundant future #1 on Amazon and BarnesAndNoble

A new book documenting tremendous strides toward a better future reached #1 on both Amazon and BarnesAndNoble.

An artificial molecular clock to control artificial molecular machines

The oscillating synthesis and degradation of regulatory RNA molecules was used to produce a molecular clock to control the opening and closing of a DNA tweezers, and also to control the production of another RNA molecule to alter the fluorescence of a dye molecule.

Singularity University takes on advanced nanotech questions

The Singularity University Executive Program recently took on the challenges of advanced nanotech: Nanotechnology: How should we evaluate the environmental impact of human-made machines that are too small to see? What limits should be placed on self-replicating nanodevices? What defenses should we institute against malevolent uses of such technology? These questions were asked by Marc… Continue reading Singularity University takes on advanced nanotech questions

Destroying cancer cells by incorporating an artificial biological computer

A complex piece of DNA that acts as a biological computer when it is inserted into cells determines whether or not the cell is a specific type of cancer cell, and if so, initiates the suicide of that cell.

Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming

The Seventeenth International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming will be held 19-23 September, 2011 at Caltech in Pasadena, California.

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