We found 78 results for your search.

The Sixth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology

November 12-15, 1998 at the Westin Hotel in Santa Clara, CA An intensive Tutorial on Critical Enabling Technologies for Nanotechnology was held on November 12. Ā  Conference was held in conjunction with a special forum sponsored by the National Science Foundation Ā  This page now serves as an archive for the 1998 conference. Abstracts of… Continue reading The Sixth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology

John Randall & Sergei Kalinin | Ready for Atomically Precise Manufacturing & Electron Microscopy

Presenters John Randall, Zyvex Labs John Randall is currently President/CEO at Zyvex Labs. Prior to Zyvex, John spent 15 years with Texas Instruments (TI) where he worked in high resolution processing for integrated circuits, MEMS, and quantum effect devices and also worked at MITā€™s Lincoln Laboratory on ion beam and x-ray lithographyā€¦ Read More Sergei… Continue reading John Randall & Sergei Kalinin | Ready for Atomically Precise Manufacturing & Electron Microscopy

J. Lyding & L. Grill | Silicon-Based Nanotechnology & Manipulating Single Molecules on Surfaces

Presenters Joe Lyding, Beckman Institute Joe Lyding is a distinguished professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinios. His career includes constructing the first atomic resolution scanning tunneling microscope, discovering new industrial uses for deuterium, studying quantum size effectsā€¦  Read More  Leonhard Grill, University of Graz Leonhard Grill is a professor at… Continue reading J. Lyding & L. Grill | Silicon-Based Nanotechnology & Manipulating Single Molecules on Surfaces

AMOā€™s Program in Atomically Precise Manufacturing and Nanocarbon Metals | Tina Kaarsberg, DOE

Summary An overview of projects spearheaded by the Advanced Manufacturing Office of the US Department of Energy. These projects, involving Atomically Precise Manufacturing, are part of a larger vision for energy efficiency. The diverse portfolio of projects includes molecular assembler tips, molecular lego, diamondoid tools, copper/carbon hybrid materials, DNA origami, and Microelectromechanical systems. Presenters Tina… Continue reading AMOā€™s Program in Atomically Precise Manufacturing and Nanocarbon Metals | Tina Kaarsberg, DOE

Precisely removing individual atoms with microscope creates novel molecule

A molecule with two unpaired electrons too unstable to be made by chemical synthesis was fabricated using a scanning probe microscope to remove two hydrogen atoms from a single molecule adsorbed to a copper surface at ultra low temperature and ultra high vacuum.

Nanotechnologies to advance solar energy utilization

Increasing efficiency and utilization and lowering costs for harvesting, converting, transporting, and storing energy produced from sunlight provides a showcase for a variety of nanoscale materials, structures, and processes.

Generating hydrogen with single atom catalysts

Single cobalt atoms have been positioned in nitrogen-doped graphene to catalytically produce hydrogen from water almost as effectively as using vastly more expensive platinum catalysts.

A tunable bandgap by doping a few atomic layers of black phosphorous

A vertical electrical field from dopant atoms of potassium added to the surface of a few stacked layers of phosphorene tunes the band gap of black phosphorous, possibly leading to novel electronic and optoelectronic devices.

Another nanotechnology computer memory breakthrough from Feynman Prize winner

A novel nanostructured material based on tantalum oxide could make possible non-volatile crossbar array memories that store up to 162 gigabits in 3-D memory stacks.

Science and technology roadmaps for nanotechnology

A European Science and Technology Roadmap for Graphene, Related Two-Dimensional Crystals, and Hybrid Systems hints at the opportunities to be harvested from, and the need for, the development of atomically precise manufacturing (APM).

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