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Mechanical communication in a rotaxane molecular machine

Mechanically interlocked molecules (MIMs), such as rotaxanes and catenanes, provide a fertile opportunity to study some of the complexities of large biological systems of molecular machines, composed of large protein molecules, with small molecular machines composed of small organic molecules containing components that can move relative to each other in response to external control. The… Continue reading Mechanical communication in a rotaxane molecular machine

Blockchains, Cryptoeconomics, and Emerging Technology Risks

In writing for this blog, I am accustomed to rapid changes from one technological area to another, such as from DNA origami to de novo protein design to scanning probe microscopy to molecular machinery based on mechanically interlocked molecular architectures. The DNA and protein work overlaps with biotechnology, and we have always seen all these… Continue reading Blockchains, Cryptoeconomics, and Emerging Technology Risks

Macroscopic DNA crystals from molecular tensegrity triangles

Structural DNA nanotechnology: progress toward a precise self-assembling three dimensional scaffold by building macroscopic crystals from nanoscale structures.

DNA nanotechnology defeats drug resistance in cancer cells

Small, stiff, rectangular rods made using scaffolded DNA origami bypass drug resistance mechanisms in the membranes of a cultured leukemia cell line and release enough therapeutic drug to kill the cancer cell.

Tightly-fitted DNA parts form dynamic nanomachine

A rotor with DNA origami parts held together by an engineered tight fit instead of by covalent bonds can revolve freely, driven by Brownian motion and dwelling at engineered docking sites.

DNA nanotechnology provides new ways to arrange nanoparticles into crystal lattices

Two research teams present two different methods for using single strands of DNA to link various nanoparticles into complex 3D arrays: one using DNA hairpins for dynamic reconfiguration and the other using a DNA origami scaffold.

DNA nanotechnology cages localize and optimize enzymatic reactions

Encapsulating enzymes in nanocages engineered using structural DNA nanotechnology increases enzymatic digestion and protects enzymes from degradation.

Conference video: Nanoscale Materials, Devices, and Processing Predicted from First Principles

Prof. William Goddard presented four advances from his research group that enable going from first principles quantum mechanics calculations to realistic nanosystems of interest with millions or billions of atoms.

Ultrasensitive microRNA assay with nanosensor to detect cancer

A nanotechnology-based sensor provides fast, inexpensive, ultrasensitive assay of microRNA pattern to detect cancer using DNA immobilized on a synthetic gold nanoprism.

Using DNA nanotechnology to position molecules with atomic precision

German researchers have used scaffolded DNA origami to adjust the angle of a DNA hinge joint by altering the length of special “adjuster helices”, causing molecules attached to the sides of the hinge to be displaced by as little as 0.04 nm.

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