We found 78 results for your search.

Nanothreads formed from smallest possible diamonds

A new form of carbon produced by very slowly releasing benzene compressed at 200,000 times atmospheric pressure may be the strongest material possible.

Foresight Institute Awards Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology to Amanda S. Barnard, Joseph W. Lyding

The Theory Prize was given for research into diamond nanoparticles; the Experimental Prize was given for development of scanning tunneling microscope (STM) technology.

Flexible supercapacitor from stacked nanomaterial

A nanoporous form of graphene made by burning off other elements from an inexpensive polymer has been used to fabricate flexible supercapacitors via a process that can be scaled to industrial quantities to provide energy storage for wearable, flexible electronics.

Piezoelectric monolayer joins toolkit for nanomanipulation

To measure in-plane piezoelectric stress, an MoS2 film was suspended on HSQ posts and clamped by two Au electrodes. When the film was indented with a scanning AFM probe, the induced stress changed the load on the cantilever, which was observed by the deflection of a laser beam. Credit: Berkeley Lab

Nanotechnology to provide efficient, inexpensive water desalination

Two different nanotechnology-based approaches to use graphene as the basis for purification and desalination of water look promising.

Nanotechnology to provide better solar cells, optical devices

A novel method to control the configuration of atoms in semiconductors grown on graphene will make possible a vast array of new optical devices, including better solar cells.

Advanced technologies by design

Design and prediction are integral to Atomically Precise Manufacturing and its development. This is in part because fully functional APM can be readily explored computationally today, to levels of precision that cannot be experimentally developed today. In such a context, design is not just a resource but an approach. With rapidly expanding computational power, examples… Continue reading Advanced technologies by design

Carbyne: the strongest, stiffest carbon chain

Carbyne – a straight line of carbon atoms linked by double bonds or by alternating single and triple bonds — is the next stiff, carbon-based structure with unusual and desirable properties. It has been observed under limited natural and experimental conditions, is expected to be difficult to synthesize and store, and now has been theoretically… Continue reading Carbyne: the strongest, stiffest carbon chain

Circuits of graphitic nanoribbons grown from aligned DNA templates

How complex could circuits be made using precisely positioned DNA nanostructures as templates to grow graphene nanoribbons?

Precise mechanical manipulation of individual long DNA molecules

“Molecular threading”, a nanotechnology developed by Halcyon Molecular and now owned by Aeon Biowares, enables precise placement of individual long molecules of DNA, either for sequencing or for nanofabrication of novel DNA nanostructures.

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