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Foresight Institute Conferences and Workshops

The Great Debates of Our Time, hosted by Foresight Institute on Saturday November 19th, 2016 at 1pm.Facebook page; Alton Sun’s notes; Videos, etc. (Intro and individual debates on YouTube, transcripts, participants) Artificial Intelligence For Scientific Progress Workshop, September 30 – October 2, 2016 in Palo Alto, California.White paper, video recap on YouTube, participants Foresight Institute Breakthrough Technologies for Energy/Atomic Precision… Continue reading Foresight Institute Conferences and Workshops

Foresight Institute’s 2015 Workshop on Atomic Precision for Medical Applications

May 29-31, 2015, in Palo Alto, California About the Event: This was a highly interactive and stimulating 2-1/2 day invitational meeting focused on long-term prospects for revolutionary advances in medical applications based on improved precision in our control of matter, and how to speed current research in that direction. Wide-ranging thinkers, firmly grounded in a… Continue reading Foresight Institute’s 2015 Workshop on Atomic Precision for Medical Applications

The Great Debates of Our Time

Saturday, November 19, 2016. San Francisco The future is not what it used to be We’re all seeing impressive developments. But the future is not determined. The ink isn’t dry. What should humanity’s path look like? Foresight is bringing together leading minds to fight it out in exciting interactive debates covering critical topics from longevity… Continue reading The Great Debates of Our Time

Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems Working Group

Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems Working Group Roadmap Working Group members Radoslav R. AdzicBrookhaven National Laboratory Damian AllisSyracuse UniversityTheorist-in-Residence, Department of Chemistry  Ingemar AndréUniversity of WashingtonPostdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biochemistry  Tom AutreyPacific Northwest National Laboratory Don BaerPacific Northwest National Laboratory Sandra BishnoiIllinois Institute of TechnologyAssistant Professor of Chemistry  Brett BosleyOak Ridge National Laboratory Joe BozellUniversity… Continue reading Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems Working Group

Foresight Molecular Systems Design Workshop 2023

Workshop Molecular Systems Design Hosted by September 11 – 12, 2023, 9 am – 5 pm Hosted by Adam Marblestone Convergent Research Benjamin Reinhardt Speculative Technologies Allison Duettmann Foresight Institute The Institute, Salesforce Tower, San Francisco Apply for a Subsidized Ticket Buy Tickets NOW ! Apply to join Become a Sponsor Goal Complex molecular machines… Continue reading Foresight Molecular Systems Design Workshop 2023

Molecular Machine Bountied Brainstorm By James Boyd

Molecular Machine Bountied Brainstorm By James Boyd If you had $50 M to spend to advance progress on molecular machines, what would you spend it on?   I would spend the $50 million assembling a distributed molecular machine research program composed of multiple teams. High-Level Budget Breakdown $25 Million: Theoretical and Computational Research Grants$25 Million:… Continue reading Molecular Machine Bountied Brainstorm By James Boyd


Today’s nanotechnology harnesses current progress in chemistry, physics, materials science, and biotechnology to create novel materials that have unique properties because their structures are determined on the nanometer scale. Some of these materials have already found their ways into consumer products, such as sunscreens and stain-resistant pants. Others are being intensively researched for solutions to… Continue reading Applications

An overview of nanotechnology

Nanotechnology draws its name from the prefix “nano”. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter—a distance equal to two to twenty atoms (depending on what type of atom) laid down next to each other. Nanotechnology refers to manipulating the structure of matter on a length scale of some small number of nanometers, interpreted by different… Continue reading An overview of nanotechnology

A Short History of Nanotechnology

A Short History of Nanotechnology 1959 Feynman gives after-dinner talk describing molecular machines building with atomic precision 1974 Taniguchi uses term “nano-technology” in paper on ion-sputter machining 1977 Drexler originates molecular nanotechnology concepts at MIT 1981 First technical paper on molecular engineering to build with atomic precision STM invented 1985 Buckyball discovered 1986 First book… Continue reading A Short History of Nanotechnology

Roadmap Background

Foresight sees the creation of technical and policy roadmaps as key to accomplishing a number of objectives in the nanotechnology field. Roadmaps help to coordinate the thinking and activity of key stakeholders including governments, corporations, research institutions, policy professionals, investors, educators and the media. They provide a framework for articulating the pathways and steps which… Continue reading Roadmap Background

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