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Emil Kendziorra & Aschwin De Wolf | Biostasis & Cryonics Q&A

Summary Dr. Emil Kendziorra and Aschwin De Wolf talk about the process in cryonics and cryopreservation of organs, especially brains. They also address doubts related to the damage that can be caused in the tissues of cryopreserved people, and overall dive into the state-of-the-art solutions and research in cryonics, foreshadowing what is going to be… Continue reading Emil Kendziorra & Aschwin De Wolf | Biostasis & Cryonics Q&A

Highlights: Health Extension, Molecular Machines, Intelligent Cooperation, Existential Hope

THIS MONTH AT FORESIGHT   In January 2021 we launched a new program, targeting four focus areas of critical importance for long-term futures: Biotechnology & Health Extension, Molecular Machines, Intelligent Cooperation & Computing, and Existential Hope. Every month we host virtual keynote meetings within the group where scientists, entrepreneurs, and allies in each group cooperate on opportunities for advancing their… Continue reading Highlights: Health Extension, Molecular Machines, Intelligent Cooperation, Existential Hope

Nominations for 2021 Feynman Prize, Student Award are Open

2021 NOMINATIONS: FORESIGHT FEYNMAN PRIZE & DISTINGUISHED STUDENT AWARD 2021 Nominations for Foresight Feynman Prize & Distinguished Student Award are open. These Foresight prizes are given in honor of Richard P. Feynman who, in 1959, gave a visionary talk at Caltech in which he suggested that “the problems of chemistry and biology can be greatly… Continue reading Nominations for 2021 Feynman Prize, Student Award are Open

2020, An Unexpected Year: Progress Report

2020: AN UNEXPECTED YEARPROGRESS UPDATE   As we hope to show in the progress update below, thanks to the virtual switch, this year has elevated Foresight’s work to a new stage in terms of the scientific talent we support. We have concrete plans to grow to respond to the expansion of our community. On the… Continue reading 2020, An Unexpected Year: Progress Report

Double your impact advancing biotech, nanotech, computing towards grand futures

DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT ADVANCING BIOTECH, NANOTECH AND COMPUTING FOR LIFE AND THE BIOSPHERE#GIVINGTUESDAY#CHALLENGEGRANT     As we are launching our virtual 2021 program with kick-off at a virtual member gathering on December 12th, 2020, we would love to let you know what being a Foresight Institute supporter can accomplish, both for the world and you: … Continue reading Double your impact advancing biotech, nanotech, computing towards grand futures

High-Risk High-Reward Projects to Heal the Planet

HEALING THE PLANET: WINNING PROJECTS& ALL VIDEOSRADICAL PROGRESS FOR THE PLANET     ACCELERATING SELECTED HIGH-RISK HIGH REWARD PROJECTS TO HEAL THE PLANET   Congratulations to all teams who participated in our Healing the Planet accelerator program and of course to the pioneering winning projects. 1st Place: Project Vesta: Olivine-Accelerated Coastal Enhanced Weathering 2nd Place:… Continue reading High-Risk High-Reward Projects to Heal the Planet


  VISION WEEKEND, NANO RACE, DEMO DAY… UPCOMING EVENTS & EXCITING NEWS There are many exciting things happening. Stay tuned for the following announcements & don’t forget to mark your calendars.       Vision Weekend A gentle reminder to save the date: December 12th, 2020    Join us at Vision Weekend for the unveiling… Continue reading UPCOMING EVENTS & EXCITING NEWS

Save the Date: New Online Program & Community for Flourishing Futures, Launch Dec 12 @Vision Weekend

  FORESIGHT 2021 LAUNCHDECEMBER 12 @VISION WEEKEND ONLINE#TEASER #MARKYOURCALENDAR     Which group will you join? Biotechnology: to improve and extend human health,Molecular Nanotechnology: to achieve Feynman’s goal of molecular machines,Computer Science: to foster intelligent cooperation,Existential Hope: to catalyze beautiful futures. At Vision Weekend this year, Foresight launches its four Strategy Groups for Flourishing Futures. Each strategy group assembles… Continue reading Save the Date: New Online Program & Community for Flourishing Futures, Launch Dec 12 @Vision Weekend

Foresight 2019 Highlights: Healing Our Planet, AGI Cooperation, Nanotech Progress & More

DEAR FORESIGHTED FRIENDS,   With your help, we were able to push three types of frontiers this year: accelerating science, surfacing much-needed ideas, and making progress on global long-term strategy. Our highlights are summarized below, with a more detailed summary of each project in our 2019 Progress Report.  Why should this matter to you?  Because you… Continue reading Foresight 2019 Highlights: Healing Our Planet, AGI Cooperation, Nanotech Progress & More

45K Matching Grant: Halfway there! Help us complete the challenge before Dec 31st

Donations made by December 31 will be doubled—help us reach $45,000!   >> MATCH MY GIFT TO COMPLETE THE CHALLENGE > MATCH MY GIFT TO COMPLETE THE CHALLENGE

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