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We need your help today to steer the future toward Existential Hope

Last days to help Foresight complete the $45,000 challenge and get your gift matched.Ā  Ā  >> MATCH MY GIFT TO COMPLETE THE CHALLENGE Dear Foresight friends, Those are the last days to help Foresight complete its 45k challenge grant and double your donations. Thank you SO VERY MUCH to all who have contributed so far.… Continue reading We need your help today to steer the future toward Existential Hope

$45K to Dec 31st Challenge Grant: Double your Donations for Better Futures

DONATE TODAY FOR BETTER TOMORROWS Dear Foresight friends,  For this yearā€™s Giving Tuesday, weā€™re glad to announce that we have a generous $45K Challenge Grant running until Dec 31. Help us reach the threshold! Every dollar, stock, or cryptocurrency you donate will be automatically doubled!   At Foresight we acknowledge that the future and its technologies are undiscovered territory… Continue reading $45K to Dec 31st Challenge Grant: Double your Donations for Better Futures

We have a $45,000 Challenge GrantĀ until the end of the year

We have a $45,000 Challenge GrantĀ until the end of the yearā€”every dollar (or $ value of coins) up to this level will be doubled.Ā So far we are one-third of the wayā€” please help us reach the goal!Ā Because Foresight Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, your contributions are fully tax-deductible. Please find impressions of our work… Continue reading We have a $45,000 Challenge GrantĀ until the end of the year

Matched donations, save the date, Chemistry Nobel recognizes molecular machines

Dear friends of Foresight, Happy Giving Tuesday! In addition to updates on our activities, weā€™re happy to announce a matching grant that allows us to double your donation between now and the end of the year. Your gift to Foresight can move the world in the right directionā€”towards technological abundance and freedom. Weā€™re actively working… Continue reading Matched donations, save the date, Chemistry Nobel recognizes molecular machines

Nobel Prize in Chemistry recognizes molecular machines

Sir J. Fraser Stoddart, winner of 2007 Foresight Feynman Prize for Experiment, shares the 2016 Chemistry Nobel for the design and synthesis of molecular machines.

Chemical fuel keeps molecular motor moving

Removing the necessity of providing several different chemical fuels in a series of distinct steps, a novel chemically-fueled molecular motor autonomously produces movement as long as the fuel supply lasts.

Atomically precise location of dopants a step toward quantum computers

Precise matching of STM images and theoretical calculations provides exact lattice locations of dopant atoms, advancing the prospects for silicon-based quantum computers.

Caltech celebrates ten years of Scaffolded DNA Origami

California Institute of Technology is holding a symposium to honor Paul Rothemund’s seminal contribution to the field of DNA nanotechnology: the research paths opened by the technology, and where they might lead.

Foresight advisor MIT Prof. Marvin Minsky (1927-2016)

We are greatly saddened to hear of the death of Marvin Minsky, age 88. A pioneer in artificial intelligence, Marvin served as an Advisor to Foresight Institute from its earliest days.

Using DNA nanotechnology to position molecules with atomic precision

German researchers have used scaffolded DNA origami to adjust the angle of a DNA hinge joint by altering the length of special “adjuster helices”, causing molecules attached to the sides of the hinge to be displaced by as little as 0.04 nm.

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