The 2024 Longevity Frontiers Workshop is jointly hosted by the Longevity Biotech Fellowship and Foresight Institute. Our community’s shared vision is building a future free of disease and aging. This workshop brings together top scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and investors to develop ideas for new critical path and bottleneck breaking projects in 5 key focus areas. Top-rated projects are candidates for funding from present funders, the LBF Accelerator Fund, and the Longevity Prize.
This Years Focus Areas:
Day 1 covers focus areas 1-4, chaired by Mark Hamalainen of
Day 2 covers focus area 5, chaired by Michael Snyder of Stanford University.
In addition to short presentations, working groups, and project development, we offer mentorship hours, open breakouts, and a speaker & sponsor gathering. Explore new opportunities, form lasting collaborations, and join 70 leading researchers, entrepreneurs, and funders in spearheading progress at the frontiers.
Foresight Longevity Frontiers Workshop, Apr 2023
LBF3 Cohort, Jan 2024
Aging Biomarker Discoveries
Extracellular Matrix Aging
AI for Longevity Progress
Longevity Medicine
Cryopreservation WILL be needed!
Healthcare 3.0 – the Future of Longevity Medicine
Turning old brains into young brains using progressive tissue replacement
Replacing Aging
Programmable molecular technologies for understanding and treating age-associated diseases
Healthcare 3.0 – the Future of Longevity Medicine
Reversible whole organ preservation
Automating longevity research
Multi-omics for Understanding Aging
Programmable molecular technologies for understanding and treating age-associated diseases
Renewal Bio: Human Stem Cell Derived Embryos
Differentiating between entropic and non-entropic damage
Ultrasound Awakening: Resurrecting Life from Cryogenic Sleep
Acceleration: Tools to increase the rate of progress in biotech
Decoding Delirium: The Impact of Biological Aging on Cognitive Decline
Space X Longevity
Biostasis: a transformative capability for human civilization, and for life in the galaxy; Ending virtually all disease and aging, while also decreasing animal suffering - an Alliance
Systems Biology of Aging'
Biology of Aging
The Canopy in Menlo Park and LKSC at Stanford University
Located in the San Francisco Bay Area, Stanford University is a place of discovery, creativity and innovation. Founded in 1885, Stanford’s areas of excellence span seven schools along with research institutes, the arts and athletics. Stanford’s students, faculty and staff work to improve the health and well-being of people around the world through the discovery and application of knowledge.