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Direct pattern definition and selective deposition processes
using tailor-made multilayer masks

T. Yasuda*, a, M. Nisizawaa, S. Yamasakia, S. Gwob

aJoint Research Center for Atom Technology (JRCAT),
Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-8562 Japan

bDepartment of Physics, National Tsing-Hua University
Taiwan, Republic of China

This is an abstract for a presentation given at the
Eighth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology.
There will be a link from here to the full article when it is available on the web.


Selective-area deposition of solid materials has been studied for the last two decades, mainly for the purpose of semiconductor device manufacturing. Combination of the selective-area processing with direct pattern writing on passivating masks by scanning probes and focused beams is expectedly a powerful technique for nanostructure formation. In this presentation, we report ultrathin multilayer masks which have been developed for selective-area chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of Si nanostructures. These masks have been tailor made in order to realize high-speed direct pattern writing as well as to ensure sufficient growth selectivity. Two successful examples of the ultrathin multilayer masks will be discussed. One is a SiHCl3-adsorbed SiO2 mask on which the patterns are drawn by utilizing electron stimulated desorption of Cl (sensitivity ~10 mC/cm2). A following CVD process forms polycrystalline Si selectively on the Cl-desorbed parts of the SiO2 surface [T.Yasuda et al, APL 76, 3203 (2000)]. Another example is a SiO2/ Si3N4 bilayer mask for which patterns are drawn by utilizing AFM-induced local oxidation of Si3N4 [F.S.-S.Chien et al, APL 76, 360 (2000)]. This mask is suited for epitaxial growth of various materials, and is compatible with high-temperature processing exceeding 1300 K [D.S.Hwang et al, JJAP 37, L1087 (1998)]. This study, partly supported by NEDO, was carried out at JRCAT under the joint research agreement between NAIR and ATP.

*Corresponding Address:
Tetsuji Yasuda
Joint Research Center for Atom Technology (JRCAT)
1-1-4 Higashi
Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-8562 Japan
Email: [email protected]


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