World Business Forum – FUTURACT 2000, 19th & 20th December 2000, Paris, France. “Futuract highlights main trends – economic, technological, sociological and political – which may influence the very foundation of future economics, deals with the way exchanges operate and are regulated, as well as the way in which new technologies are involved in current economic changes.”
Caribbean Conference on Surface Science (CCOSS), December 10-17, 2000, on a cruise ship which leaves from Ft. Lauderdale, FL. “The purpose of the CCOSS is to bring both applied and fundamental surface scientists together from North and South America, Europe and Asia. Both experimental and theoretical contributions are sought.” Topics include nanomaterials and atom chemistry at surfaces. Web:
Molecular Electronics 2000, 10-15 December 2000, Aston Keauhou Beach Resort and Conference Center, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Sponsored by the United Engineering Foundation. “The conference will be devoted to the theoretical and experimental aspects of Molecular Electronics. It will also concentrate on the techniques used to prepare and measure molecular circuits, on the aspects of single molecule behavior that will be featured in molecular electronic applications, on the interface between molecular electronics and more traditional CMOS electronics, on different molecular applications in electronic device applications, and on fundamental operating principles of molecular organized structures.” Web:
Beyond Micro Device Engineering: Nanotechnology, Wednesday, December 6, 2000, B369 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C., 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. “Nanotechnology is an emerging, multi-disciplinary field that could revolutionize the work of mechanical engineers in many areas, including manufacturing, materials, bioengineering, aerospace, energy, and the environment. Therefore, ASME International is considering how the Society should position itself as a source of information and a forum for technical discourse on nanoscale research, materials, methods and technologies that could shape the future of engineering-based products and systems.” Objectives of the workshop include “To develop a plan for next steps to establish ASME as a leading technical society for nanotechnology.” Contact Patti Snyder at 202-785-3756, or Email: [email protected]. Web:
Materials Research Meeting. 2000 Fall Meeting November 27 – December 1, 2000, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Hynes Convention Center and Boston Marriott. “Over 40 technical symposia will cover a wide range of topics in materials science, including nanoscale materials, device and functional materials, thin films, defects and interfaces, novel processing methods, and polymeric materials. This meeting will also include a special cluster of symposia dedicated to biomedical materials.” Web:
A keynote Pardee Symposium entitled “Geology in the New Millenium: Resource Collapse, Environmental Catastrophe, or Technological Fix?” will be held as part of the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America in Reno, Nevada, from 08:00-12:00 on Monday, November 13. This symposium will feature speakers on the impending exhaustion of conventional geologic resources, as well as speakers on a variety of emerging technologies, including nanotechnology, that may help avert resource and environmental crises entirely. The symposium has been organized by Stephen L. Gillett of the Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno, who has focused his research on the near-term potential of molecular nanotechnology to address resource and environmental issues. The Department of Geological Sciences at the Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada, Reno is hosting the 2000 GSA meeting. GSA’s Pardee Symposia highlight topics of wide interest to the Earth-science community, including those of broad social relevance. More details on the 2000 meeting can be found at
IBC’s Annual Biochip Technologies Conference, November 6-9, 2000, The Philadelphia Marriott, Philadelphia, PA. Includes protein arrays, microarray mechanics and applications, microfluidics, emerging technologies, bioinformatics. Web:
Eighth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology, November 3-5, 2000, Hyatt Hotel, One Bethesda Metro, Bethesda, Maryland 20814. An intensive Tutorial on Foundations of Nanotechnology will be held on November 2. Enabling science and technology, computational models. Contact Foresight, tel 650-917-1122, fax 650-917-1123, email [email protected],
The Institute of Nanotechnology Conference: Nanobiotechnology, Life Extension and the Treatment of Congenital and Degenerative Disease, 2 – 3 November 2000, The Moat House Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland. Mostly focuses on relatively near-term therapies based on biotechnology, but includes among the confirmed speakers nanotechnologist James Gimzewski of IBM Zurich. Email contact: [email protected]; Web:
Molecular BioElectronics & Hybrid Electronic Systems, October 19-20, 2000, Omni Parker House, Boston, MA USA. Recent advances in engineering and application of molecular electronic devices; features extensive coverage of bacteriorhodopsin.”Molecular BioElectronics … is being hailed as the next frontier for research and development of applications related to nanobiotechnology, biomolecular engineering, bioelectronic devices and molecular miniaturization.” Includes “hybrid protein/semiconductor electronic devices, protein- and DNA-based computers, 3-D storage systems of unlimited capacity, molecular level resolution microscopes and imaging devices, and self assembled sub-micron supramolecular aggregates for electronic applications.” Contact: The Knowledge Foundation, Inc., 18 Webster Street, Brookline, MA 02446. Phone: 617-232-7400; Fax: 617-232-9171; Email: [email protected]. Web:
IATAFI 2000, October 17-20, 2000, Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago, Illinois. The International Association for Technology Assessment and Forecasting Institutions (IATAFI) will hold its Fourth General Conference. The Conference theme is “Science and Technology Assessment and Forecasting in the 21st Century: tools, methods, and case studies for evaluating sustainable development.”
Trends In Nanotechnology 2000, 16 – 20 October 2000, to be held in the Monastery ‘San Pedro Mártir’ in the historic city of Toledo, Spain. “The aim of this conference will be to focus on the applications of Nanotechnology and to bring together in a Forum various groups working in this field.” Topics will include Nanofabrication techniques (nanolithography, FIB, SPM probes, etc.), Carbon Nanotubes, Current and emerging devices, Nanoscale integration, Biotechnology (DNA computing, Artificial Neural Networks, etc.), Molecular Electronics, and Nanostructure behavior modeling. For details contact Antonio Correia: [email protected]; Web:
The First Georgia Tech Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, October 16-18, 2000, Atlanta Georgia. “Research in nanoscience and nanotechnology (N&N) is multidisciplinary, and it requires strong collaboration among universities, government research laboratories and industry. The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers from various universities and national laboratories in the Southeast to exchange information on the expertise that resides in the various organizations and to explore the teaming opportunities for collaborative research.” Web: Conference Web Site
ASM Materials Solutions 2000, Oct. 9-12, 2000, America’s Center in St. Louis, MO. There will be five sessions at this conference (ASM’s largest annual event) devoted to nano-materials. One session on Tuesday October 10th, co-sponsored by IMM, is dedicated to molecular nanotechnology. The purpose, and unifying theme of this session, is to provide an overview of molecular nanotechnology to a portion of the materials community that has been largely insulated from progress in this area. This session will be unapologetically biased toward the Foresight Institute/Institute for Molecular Manufacturing view that substantial progress is occurring to develop assembler technology (whether specifically directed to this end or not), and that it has important consequences for all materials systems and the devices made from those materials. Foresight Advisor Dr. Ralph C. Merkle is one of the invited speakers. Web:
47th International Symposium of the American Vacuum Society: Vacuum Thin Films, Surfaces/Interfaces, Processing & NANO-6, October 2-6, 2000 Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts. Includes magnetic interfaces and nanostructures; processing at the nanoscale; nanotubes: science and applications. Web:
NanoBioTec: Nanotechnology meets Life Sciences, 28-29 September, 2000, in Münster, Germany. “For the first time nanobiotechnology combines the innovative potential of nanotechnology and biotechnology. While molecular biotechnology is revolutionising almost every aspect in the life sciences, new tools to visualise and manipulate single molecules are developed in the nanotechnology field. The combination of these disciplines will create novel opportunities in science and technology.” Web:
NanoTech 2000: Technologies for the Future, Sept 24 – 29, 2000, The South Shore Harbour Resort and Conference Center, 50 miles south of Houston Intercontinental Airport, Texas. The International Conference on Integrated Nano/Microtechnology for Commercial and Industrial Applications. “The goal of NanoTech 2000 is to inspire a revolution in the development of industrial applications, utilizing MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS), Nano-scale sciences, Nano/Micro Electronics, and Application Specific Integrated Micro Instruments (ASIM’s).” Web:
BioMEMs & Biomedical Nanotechnology World 2000, Sept 23-26, 2000, hyatt Regency Columbus, Columbus, Ohio. “…encompasses all interfaces and intersections of the life sciences and clinical disciplines with microsystems and nanotechnology. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, micro- and nanotechnology for drug delivery, tissue engineering, harvesting, manipulation, amplification, and sequencing of nucleic acids, proteomics, microfluidics and miniaturized total analysis systems (microTAS), biosensors, molecular assembly, nanoscale imaging, and integrated systems.” Web:
Innovations in Nanotechnology, MIT Series on Technology and the Corporation, September 19-20, 2000, Kresge Auditorium, MIT Campus Cambridge, MA. Presents “recent developments in nanoscale engineering research currently being conducted at MIT.” Topics incluce nanomaterials, nanomanufacturing, nanofabrication, quantum computation and quantum chemistry, but with little emphasis on molecular nanotechnology. Web:
International Conference of Micro and Nano-Engineering 2000, Sept. 18-21, 2000. Jena, Germany. Emphasis is on lithographic techniques, but also includes “nanoelectronics, nanomechanics, nano-optics, molecular devices, characterization and application of nanodevices.” Contact for Organisation: [email protected]; for abstracts: [email protected]; Web:
Nanoscience for Nanotechnology, 3rd Euroconference, 16 – 19 September, 2000, Somerville College, Oxford, OX2 6HD UK. “The style of the meetings is informal, with a substantial number of authoritative overview papers, plus contributed papers, posters and workshop sessions, and plenty of time for informal discussions. …includes funding to facilitate participation of researchers under the age of 35 who are citizens of EU countries.”
The Cornell Nanofabrication Facility Annual Meeting & Career Fair, September 14 – 15, 2000, Statler Hotel, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Agenda includes talks on various nanofabrication topics. Web:
Molecular Motors: New Data & Research in Applications for Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, September 14-15, 2000, Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, MA USA. “With the goal of cross-fertilization between disciplines, this exciting new conference brings together an international faculty to examine molecular motor mechanisms and discuss the exciting potential for integration of biological motors with micro and nanofabricated structures.” Contact: The Knowledge Foundation, Inc., 18 Webster Street, Brookline, MA 02446. Phone: 617-232-7400; Fax: 617-232-9171 Email: [email protected]
Fall 2000 Senior Associate Gathering, Sept. 8-10, 2000, Palo Alto, California. Think you can handle rapid change? Better hope so, because coming technologies will turn our world on its head. What we need to navigate the coming decades is the best-informed advice we can get, combined with the moral support of a community that shares our values and goals. It’s time to meet face-to-face with those on the cutting edge. It’s the only way to see who’s who, what makes sense, and initiate the personal contacts that lead to the working relationships and companies of tomorrow. Contact Foresight, tel 650-917-1122, fax 650-917-1123, email [email protected],
Drug Discovery Technology 2000, IBC’s 5th Annual World Congress, August 14-17, 2000, Boston, MA. The World Trade Center & Seaport Hotel. Includes material on genomics, combinatorial chemistry and molecular devices, which might be relevant to nanotechnology. Web:
Fourteenth Symposium of the Protein Society, August 5-9, 2000, San Diego, CA. Includes concurrent symposia on protein design, supramolecular complexes and other topics and workshops on combinatorial biology and selection methods, single molecule methods, and proteomics. Contact The Protein Society Symposium Office, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3998. Tel 301-530-7010, fax 301-530-7014, email: [email protected]. Web:
Nanostructure Fabrication, a Gordon Research Conference, July 23-28, 2000, Tilton, NH. Includes nanomechanical systems, biologically-inspired nanofabrication, limits in lithography.
World Future Society, 2000 Annual Conference, July 23-25 2000, Houston, Texas.
SCSC 2000: 2000 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 16-20, 2000, The Coast Plaza Suite Hotel, at Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C. Canada. “The theme for this year’s conference is: MAINSTREAM Simulation. SCSC 2000 addresses the MAINSTREAM of simulation …in the MAINSTREAM of world-wide government and industry.” The print version of the journal Simulation reports that SCSC 2000 topics include “Nanotechnology and Molecular Manufacturing”. Web:
The Third International Conference on Non-Contact Atomic Force Microscopy (NC-AFM 2000), July 16-19, 2000, Congress Centrum Hamburg, Germany. Will focus on recent advances in instrumental developments, experimental methods, theoretical conceptions and applications of non-contact atomic force microscopy. Web:
TransVision MM, July 15-16, 2000, London, UK. The third European transhumanist conference, co-sponsored by WTA and Alcor-UK. Web:
Atomic Clusters and Nanoparticles – a Summer School at ECOLE D’ETE DE PHYSIQUE THEORIQUE, July 3-28, 2000, LES HOUCHES, in the French Alps. “The school aims at providing advanced doctoral and postdoctoral researchers with the state of the art of theoretical concepts and methods that have become extremely powerful in investigating the structure, dynamics, kinetics and thermodynamics of atomic and molecular clusters and nanoparticles.” Contact ECOLE D’ETE DE PHYSIQUE THEORIQUE, La Côte des Chavants, 74310 LES HOUCHES, FRANCE, Phone: +33 -4 50 54 40 69, Fax: +33 -4 50 55 53 25, Email: [email protected] Web:
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Shaping Biomedical Research, June 25-26, 2000, Bethesda, Maryland. Sponsored by The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Bioengineering Consortium (BECON). “Join co-chairs Lynn Jelinski from Louisiana State University and Richard Zare of Stanford University in a BECON symposium designed to foster scientific interchange among the nanoscience, nanotechnology, and biomedical research communities. The symposium will include plenary talks, poster sessions, and panels. Panels will provide opportunities for communication to develop and identify future applications of nanoscience and nanotechnology relative to biology and medicine.” For information, contact: Mark Brown, CMP MasiMax Resources, Inc. Telephone: 240-632-5618; Fax: 240-632-0519. E-mail: [email protected]. Web:
NANOSTRUCTURES: Physics and Technology, 19-23 June 2000, St Petersburg, Russia. “The Symposium scope covers wide range of physical phenomena, both basic and applied, and technological aspects related to nanostructures. In 2000, special emphasis will be put on the recent achievements in nanostructure application in designing various semiconductor devices.” Web:
The Fourth Alcor Conference on Life Extension Technologies, June 17-18, 2000, Asilomar Conference Grounds near Carmel, California, just 15 minutes from the Monterey Peninsula Airport. This conference will cover topics relevant to the expansion of human health and longevity, drawing from such fields as: biological and medical technologies, nanotechnology and nanomedicine, artificial intelligence, psychiatric aspects, defining death, and the insights of authors and artists. Foresight Chairman Dr. K. Eric Drexler and Foresight Advisor Dr. Ralph C. Merkle will talk. Web:
Training Workshop on Nano-biotechnology, June 14 – 15, 2000. NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA. Web:
Beyond Silicon 2000, Wednesday, June 14, 2000, 8:00am-4:00pm, John F. Kennedy Library and Museum Boston, MA. “A one-day Technology Review symposium and executive conference, Beyond Silicon 2000 brings together technology leaders and opinion-makers to address the question: Can silicon continue to increase and sustain the acceleration of computer speed that we have seen in the last twenty years? What are the societal implications if technology outpaces itself, and how will this affect the global marketplace? Are there limits to how small and how fast computers can become, and when will those limits be reached?”
Silicon Valley Space Enterprise Symposium, June 10 2000, DoubleTree Hotel in San Jose, CA. A day-long event that will introduce about 20 new space companies to an audience of interested investors and business partners. Registration includes lunch and a champagne reception. Web:
“Confronting Singularity” — the Spring 2000 Senior Associate Gathering, May 19-21, 2000, Palo Alto, California. In the next one-to-three decades we expect to see these capabilities: “strong” nanotechnology, genetic engineering of humans, the end of aging, advanced machine intelligence (call it what you will), encrypted private currencies, thorough surveillance and sensing, bio/chem/nano weapons of mass destruction, human civilization expanding into space. Such a future is so different from human history that we can barely imagine it. We’ll be exploring what can be known about the world we’re being pushed into, and how we can influence the outcome by influencing initial conditions. Contact Foresight, tel 650-917-1122, fax 650-917-1123, email [email protected],
Chemistry in Nanotechnology, part of the RSC Annual Conference, 19 – 20 April 2000, UMIST, Manchester UK. Includes nanoparticles and nanomaterials, structures with function and molecular machines, electronics and devices, poster networking session. Contact Nicole Morgan on 020 7440 3390, or email her at [email protected]. Web:
ICES 2000: Third International Conference on Evolvable Systems, April 17-19, 2000, Edinburgh. Includes applications of nanotechnology, DNA computing, self-replicating hardware, self-repairing hardware.
Biomedical Applications of Micro & Nano Devices, April 10-11, 2000, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Some bottom-up nanotech; mostly top-down.
2nd Annual Carbon Nanotubes: Advances in Cutting Edge Applications & Scalable Production, April 10-11, 2000, Miami Beach, FL USA. “While unprecedented interest in a variety of possible commercial applications has accelerated research and development, a key obstacle to commercialization remains the need for cost-effective, large-scale production methods. ” Contact: Customer Service: (617) 232-7400; Email: [email protected]; WebPage:
Micro Engineering & Nanotechnology II, April 6-7, 2000, London. Some bottom-up nanotech, mostly top-down; international focus.
Commercialization of Nanostructured Materials, April 6-7, 2000, Miami Beach, FL USA. “Find out from the key players the current status and potential impact of nanostructured materials in such major industries as automotives, telecommunications and chemical pharmaceuticals.” Contact: Customer Service (617) 232-7400; Email: [email protected]; WebPage:
18th International Meeting of the Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society, April 5-8, 2000 at the University of York, UK. “Modelling Biomolecular Mechanism: From States to Processes at the Atomic Level. The meeting focuses on the study of biomolecular processes including chemical reactions, protein folding, transport & diffusion and energy transduction. The meeting showcases advances in theoretical and computational approaches to studying biomolecular processes as well as powerful single molecule and time-resolved experimental techniques. … The meeting will provide an important and timely opportunity to review and stimulate discussion across the many disciplines addressing the mechanistic aspects of structure-function relationships in biological processes at the atomic level.” Web:
“Will Spiritual Robots Replace Humanity by 2100?” Saturday, April 1, 2000, 1pm – 5:30pm, a symposium at Stanford Unviersity, Palo Alto, CA, Teaching Center, Science and Engineering Quad (TCSEQ), room 200, free and open to the public. Primary speakers: Ray Kurzweil, Hans Moravec, and Bill Joy. Panel members: Ralph Merkle, Kevin Kelly, John Holland, Frank Drake, and John Koza. Symposium organizer and panel moderator: Douglas Hofstadter. and
MSM 2000, the Third International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, March 27-29, 2000, US Grant hotel, San Diego, California, U.S.A. An interdisciplinary integrative forum on modeling, simulation and scientific computing in the microelectronic, semiconductor, sensors, materials and biotechnology fields. Contact: MSM 2000, 4847 Hopyard Road Suite 4-381, Pleasanton, CA 94588. PH: (925) 847 9152; FAX:(925) 847 9153. E-mail: [email protected]. Web:
Engelbart Colloquium at Stanford: An In-Depth Look at “The Unfinished Revolution”, January 6th – March 9th, 2000, Thursdays 4-7p.m., Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. On-campus seating has been filled, but the Colloquium will be Webcast via Stanford Online (see Archival replays will be available shortly after the live sessions. For further information: The colloquium is open to the public and is free of charge. Registration is advised, as that will enable full access to all the interactions that will be featured.
ScreenTech 2000 — High Throughput Screening Miniaturization Technologies, February 28 – March 3, 2000, Hyatt Regency Monterey, Monterey, CA. “THE event to attend to hear the very latest reports on technologies used by the major players in High-Throughput Screening (HTS) today, and to learn what you need to effectively miniaturize your screening program.” Organized by IBC USA Conferences. For more information, contact Jeffrey Levinson at (508) 481-6400 or email: [email protected]. Web:
Reason‘s 2nd Annual Dynamic Visions Conference: Exploring creativity, enterprise, and progress, 2nd Annual Reason Dynamic Visions Conference, February 19-21, 2000 (Presidents’ Day Weekend) Santa Clara Marriott, Santa Clara, California. “On the verge: creative mixing on the frontiers of business, society, art and technology. Where do new ideas come from? What environments encourage creativity and progress? And what, if anything, can we do to find, build, or nurture such environments? Come hear an exciting group of original thinkers—and pioneering doers—explore these questions from a wide range of perspectives.” For more information, contact Erica Mannard, 310-391-2245, [email protected] Web:
“Nanotechnology for the 21st Century” part of the Science Innovation Symposium, Sunday, Feb 20, 9 AM – noon, at the AAAS Annual Meeting, Feb 17-22, 2000 Washington, DC. Includes Jim Gimzewski of IBM, Mike Roco of NSF. Web:
Biophysical Society 44th Annual Meeting, February 12-16, 2000, New Orleans, Louisiana. Includes workshop on “Single molecule experiments: revealing the role of protein fluctuations”, and synmposia on “Molecular motors: design and performance” and “Protein folding: an urgent problem in the postgenomic era.” Contact: Biophysical Society 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814. Phone: 301-530-7114; Fax: 301-530-7133 E-mail: [email protected] Web:
NanoSpace 2000 — Advancing the Human Frontier, January 23-28, 2000, Houston, Texas. The Third International Conference on Integrated Nano/Microtechnology for Space Applications. Sponsored By: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Hosted by: The Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Meeting Headquarters: South Shore Harbour Resort & Conference Center only minutes from the NASA/ Johnson Space Center, and Rice University’s Carbon Nanotechnology Laboratory in Houston, Texas. Includes Nano Modeling Session chaired by Deepak Srivastava, NASA Ames Research Center, and also sessions on nanoelectronics, micro-nano sensor technologies, nanomaterials and nanocomposites, manipulation of nanomaterials, production of nanomaterials, energy storage, biosensors, bionanotechnology/computing, biomems/microrobotics, chemical labs on a chip. Web:
The Nanotechnology Revolution: S&TPI/ACS Seminar on Nanotechnology, Tuesday, January 18, 2000, 8:00-10:00 am. 1333 H Street NW Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005. The Science and Technology Policy Institute at RAND and the American Chemical Society are pleased to present “The Nanotechnology Revolution.” Speaker: George Whitesides, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University. Abstract: “Some of our biggest technological achievements today are small-extraordinarily small. Dr Whitesides, a National Medal of Science recipient, will review the exciting scientific and technological developments in nanotechnology, paying particular attention to chemistry-related advances. The seminar will also offer an opportunity to discuss policy matters related to nanotechnology as the administration prepares to launch a major initiative in nanotechnology.” Refreshments will be served. Please call to reserve a seat: 202-296-5000 ext. 5351, or email [email protected].
Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 2nd Biannual Bioengineering of Nanostructures for Biomedical and Biotechnical Applications (formerly Titled Microsystems Technology), December 1-3, 1999, Omni Parker House Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts. Session topics include: microscale manipulation, DNA nanotechnology, viral hijacking, emerging biomaterials, microfabrication in tissue engineering, neural microengineering, drug delivery, diagnostics/biosensors. Contact: Mary Ann Brown, Conference Director, Cambridge Healthtech Institute, Fax: 617-630-1325, e-mail: [email protected]. Web:
IECON ’99, the 25th annual conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, November 29th – December 3rd, 1999, Fairmont Hotel, San Jose, CA, USA. This year’s IECON focuses on integration of factory automation, power electronics, robotics, signal processing with information technology to form a seamless, integrated, networked enterprise environment – the Totally Networked Industry Environment. Papers are also being solicited in the areas of emerging technologies, factory automation, power electronics, mechatronics, and signal processing and control. Bill Joy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems and a co-inventor of Jini, will be the keynote speaker. Web:
Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society Young Modellers’ Forum, November 26th 1999, Scientific Societies Lecture Theatre, New Burlington Place, Off Savile Row, London W1X 1AB. To encourage young molecular modellers at the beginning of their careers the MGMS have extended an invitation to PhD students to present their work on any aspect of computational chemistry or computational biology. Ther is NO CHARGE for this meeting. Places are limited, so please register as soon as possible. For more information and to register for the event please look at the Web:
Nanoscience for Nanotechnology, November 21-24, 1999, Antwerp, Belgium. This is the second conference in a series of three euroconferences supported by the European Commission, providing an interdisciplinary forum for discussing nanosciences as well as presenting the newest developments in this field. More information can be found at the website: or by sending an information request to [email protected].
Evolution: The 1999 Beckman Symposium Dedicated to Susumu Ohno, Saturday November 6, 1999, 8:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m. Platt Conference Center Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope, 1450 E. Duarte Rd., Duarte, California, 91010. Talks range from biological evolution to digital evolution. For further information regarding the Symposium, or to request registration materials: Sharyn Webb, Event Coordinator, Phone: (626) 256-8735; email: [email protected]. Web:
Technology and Society 1999: The Evolution of the New Economy — Annual Cato Institute/Forbes ASAP Conference, November 4 – 5, 1999, Crowne Plaza San Jose/Silicon Valley, 777 Bellew Drive, Milpitas, California. “From finance and communications to biology and law, advances in technology are transforming our world. … The challenge for citizens in the 21st century will be mastering dynamic change in free and diverse markets.” Includes a session on “The Science of the Small: Nanotech and Molecular Switches” with Stan Williams, Principal Laboratory Scientist, Hewlett-Packard, and James Von Ehr, CEO, Zyvex. Contact Conference Department, Cato Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001, (202) 218-4633, (202) 371-0841 (fax), or [email protected]. Web:
IBC’s 6th Annual Biochip Technologies Conference Presents Chips to Hits ’99, Harnessing the Power of Microtechnology, November 2-5, 1999, The Claremont Resort & Spa, Berkeley, CA. “The Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industry’s Leading Forum on Microarray and Microfluidic Technologies” Telephone: (508) 481-6400; Fax: (508) 481-7911; Email: [email protected]; Web:
The Diagnostic Centre of the 21st Century, November 3-4, 1999, The Moat House Hotel, Glasgow. Sponsored by the Institute of Nanotechnology. The theme of the conference is taken from the Royal Academy of Engineering’s publication: ‘Medical Engineering – A Field With Potential’. Contact: [email protected] Further information:
The Surgery Room of the 21st Century, November 1-2, 1999, The Moat House Hotel, Glasgow. Sponsored by the Institute of Nanotechnology. The theme of the conference is taken from the Royal Academy of Engineering’s publication: ‘Medical Engineering – A Field With Potential’. Contact: [email protected]. Further information:
American Vacuum Society 46th International Symposium, October 25 – 29, 1999 at Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, Washington. Includes nanometer-scale science and technology, emerging opportunities and issues in nanotubes and nanoelectronics, the science of micro-electro-mechanical systems, and organic electronic materials. Additional information:
Seventh Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology, October 15-17, 1999 at the Westin Hotel in Santa Clara, CA. An intensive Tutorial on Foundations of Nanotechnology will be held on October 14. Enabling science and technology, computational models. Contact Foresight, tel 650-917-1122, fax 650-917-1123, email [email protected],
scope1: information vs. meaning, Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 1999 in Vienna, Austria. A conference on information technology and the future of knowledge that asks what radically innovative tools and strategies for acquiring knowledge will emerge. Includes a talk by Foresight Advisor Dr. Ralph C. Merkle on “Nanotechnology and Meaning.” For information, contact AHR Congress Services, Mariannengasse 32, A -1090 Vienna, Austria. Phone: ++43-1-402 7755-0; fax: ++43-1-402 8052. E-mail: [email protected]; Web:
EUROMAT 99—European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, in Conjunction with the Exhibition MATERIALICA, 27-30 September, 1999. ICM – International Congress Centre, Munich, Germany. Includes session on nano- and microtechnology ( For conference information:
Third European Symposium of the Protein Society, September 19-22, 1999, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Topics include protein dynamics, rational protein engineering, evolutionary protein engineering, single molecule analysis and manipulation, protein folding machines, membrane fusion machinery, molecular motors. Meeting Office 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3998, USA. Telephone: 301-530-7010; Fax: 301-530-7014. E-mail: [email protected]; Website:
Foresight Weekend—Fall 1999 Senior Associates Gathering, September 17-19, 1999, Hotel Sofitel, San Francisco Bay. Change is coming faster every month now — nanotechnology, open source, ubiquitous surveillance, mammalian cloning, bizarre intellectual property laws, smart drugs — all mixed with a big dose of media hype. How to cope? We invite you to trade ideas with some allies — individuals who can examine these prospects without undergoing mental shutdown. Contact Foresight, tel 650-917-1122, fax 650-917-1123, email [email protected],
TEX-MEMS: Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), August 23, 1999, Texas A&M University. Organized by researchers in Texas A&M’s Dwight Look College of Engineering, the one-day TEX-MEMS conference will focus on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). Engineers and scientists from Texas and surrounding states will gather. Conference organizers hope this will be the first in a continuing series of meetings that will rotate to different locations around Texas every six months. Web:
EXTRO 4 Conference: Biotech Futures: Challenges of Life Extension and Genetic Engineering, August 7-8 1999, at Joseph Wood Crutch Theater on the Clark Kerr Campus, University of California, Berkeley. Topics include: understanding and controlling the aging process, issues raised by extended longevity, issues raised by human cloning, and how to effectively communicate transhumanist ideas and respond to common objections regarding life extension and genetic engineering. Speakers include Christine L. Peterson, Executive Director, Foresight Institute. E-mail: [email protected]; Web:
NANOTUBE-99: International Workshop on the Science and Application of Nanotubes, July 24-27, 1999, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. Includes fundamental properties of nanotubes; state-of-the-art in the nanotube field in theory, experiment, computer modeling; potential of nanotubes in nanoscale electronic, mechanical, and chemical sensor devices; current technological challenges when approaching the nanometer-scale; technology transfer between research institutions and industry. For further information:
13th Symposium of the Protein Society, July 24-28, 1999, Boston, MA. The deadline for abstracts (which can be submitted electronically) is March 24, 1999. To receive the Call for Abstracts or additional information, contact the Protein Symposium Office (tel 301-530-7010; fax 301-530-7014; email [email protected]). Web:
Novel Microfabrication Options for BioMEMS Technologies & Commercialization Strategies, July 15-16, 1999, Hyatt Fisherman’s Wharf, San Francisco, CA, USA. The Knowledge Foundation, Inc., 101 Merrimac, Boston, MA 02114, USA Phone: (617) 367-7979, Fax: (617) 367-7912, E-mail: [email protected]; Web:
Peptides for the New Millennium, June 26-July 1, 1999, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Topics include: solid-phase organic synthesis and combinatorial methods, design and folding. The 16th American Peptide Symposium, c/o University of Minnesota, P.O. Box 64780, St. Paul, MN 55164-0780. Symposium hotline: (612) 624-7505, fax: (612) 625-2207, e-mail: [email protected], Web:
Surface Analysis ’99, June 14-17, 1999, Country Inn Hotel & Conference Center, Waukesha, Wisconsin. 21st Annual Symposium on Applied Surface Science Analysis, sponsored by the American Vacuum Society. “Surface science, state-of-the art methods of characterization and the science and technology of metals and alloys, silicates, semiconductors, oxides, minerals, ceramics, composites, thin films, polymers and biomaterials will be presented.” Conference Coordinator: Sharon Plunkett; E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: 414/650-1196; Web:
Universal Applications of Molecular Modelling, 7-10 June, 1999, Marseilles, France. The aim of this meeting is to gather scientists from various domains, such as polymer science, reactivity, catalysis, biology and many more in order to demonstrate that applications of molecular modelling are universal, from chemistry to biology. Contact: Dr. Véronique Lazzeri, Faculté des Sciences de Saint-Jerôme Université d’Aix-Marseille, Av. Escadrille Normandie-Niemen – case 532, 13013 Marseille, France. Phone : 33(0) 491 288 005, Fax : 33(0) 491 581 977. Email: [email protected]. Web:
The 43rd International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, June 1-4, 1999, Marriott Resort, Marco Island, Florida. The Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN) Conference is dedicated to the science, technology, engineering and application of electron, ion and photon beams in lithography, micro/nanofabrication and associated processes. The conference is sponsored by the American Vacuum Society in coorperation with the Electron Device Society of the IEEE and the Optical Society of America. Conference Chair: Mark Gesley, Etec Systems, Inc. 26460 Corporate Ave. Hayward, CA 94545; Phone: 510-887-3312; Fax: 510-786-9438; email: [email protected]. Program Chair: Jack Wolfe, University of Houston Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Houston, TX 77204-4793; Phone: 713-743-4449; Fax: 713-743-4214; email: [email protected]. Web:
euspen: 1st Conference and General Meeting of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, 31 May to 4 June, 1999, Congress Centre, Bremen, Germany. Topics include: mechanical and chemo-mechanical processes, nano fabrication processes and assembly, modelling and simulation in micro- and nanotechnology. Deadline for abstracts: October 16, 1998. euspen Conference Headquarters, Universität Bremen FB04/FB06, Badgasteiner Strasse 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany. tel ++49 (0) 421 218 74 81, fax ++49 (0) 421 218 44 55, email: [email protected]
Rational Approaches to New Materials Design & Synthesis, May 20-21, 1999, Doubletree Hotel, Philadelphia, PA, USA. “Leading industry and academic researchers will explore rational or predictive approaches to the design and selective synthesis of new materials … Emphasis will be placed on novel approaches, computational modeling and simulation.” The Knowledge Foundation, Inc., 101 Merrimac, Boston, MA 02114, USA. Phone: (617) 367-7979, Fax: (617) 367-7912, E-mail: [email protected]; Web:
Commercial and Industrial Applications for Micro Engineering & Nanotechnology, April 26-27, 1999. The Radisson SAS Portman Hotel, London, England. Access International presents the First European Conference on the Impact and Benefits of Nanotechnology: bridging the gap by bringing together industry and research – with an emphasis on practical applications across disciplines. Different presentations will address applications in the next five years, in the period of 5 to 10 years, and in the period of 10+ years. Endorsed by the Institute of Nanotechnology: Adminstered by Access Conferences International. To register, contact Melissa Greek and quomte reference RI100: Phone +44 (0) 171 793 4111; Email [email protected]. Web:
Commercialization Advances in Large-Scale Production of Carbon Nanotubes, April 22-23, 1999. The Loews l’Enfant Plaza ~ Washington, D.C. A Forum Designed to Examine Cost-Effective Approaches to Large-Scale Manufacturing of Carbon Nanotubes. The Knowledge Foundation, Inc., 101 Merrimac, Boston, MA 02114, USA Phone: (617) 367-7979, Fax: (617) 367-7912, E-mail: [email protected]; Web:
First ELBA-Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology, 14 to 16 April 1999, Rome, Italy. Conference registration will take place in the evening of 14 April. It is a multidisciplinary meeting on nanotechnology and nanoscale science, with particular interest on the new experimental results, theoretical and modeling. Contact EL.B.A. Foundation, tel +39-6-35420728, fax +39-6-35451637, email [email protected]. On the Web:
The Second International Conference on Integrated Micro/Nanotechnology for Space Applications: “Enabling Technologies for New Space Systems” April 11-15, 1999. The DoubleTree Hotel, Pasadena, California. Sponsored by The Aerospace Corporation, The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and The USAF Research Laboratory. Papers will be presented that highlight the development of micro/nano technologies for space systems, and the novel mission architectures enabled by the application of these new capabilities. Space systems based on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), nanoscale design and materials, low power quantum electronics, and high bandwidth photonics are of special interest, as are the demonstrations of space subsystems based on these technologies. Contacts: Dr. Timothy Krabach, phone 818.354.9654; Dr. Seymour Feuerstein, phone: 310.336.6000; Dr. Christine Anderson, phone 505.846.6243.
Reason‘s 1st Annual Dynamic Visions Conference: “Exploring creativity, enterprise, and progress” February 12-15, 1999 (President’s Day Weekend) Santa Clara Marriott, Silicon Valley. “Come hear a lineup of cutting-edge thinkers explore the new vision that is transforming how we understand nature and culture, law and custom, politics and economics, art and technology. In each of these areas, independent but parallel developments have overturned the ideal of a carefully balanced static equilibrium, replacing it with a vision of dynamic, open-ended evolution. At the First Annual Reason Dynamic Visions Conference, speakers and attendees will examine what this new perspective means for our ideas about creativity, enterprise, and the human future.” Speakers include Christine Peterson, executive director, Foresight Institute, co-author, Unbounding the Future and Leaping the Abyss, and Eric Raymond, open-source software pioneer, author of The Cathedral and the Bazaar. For more information, contact Erica Mannard, 310-391-2245, [email protected].
Combinatorial Approaches for New Materials Discovery: Polymers, Catalysis, Electronic Materials, January 21-22, 1999. San Jose, California. “Combinatorial approaches have been highly successful in pharmaceutical applications and are just emerging within the materials industries. Though the approach has, for the most part, been applied to industrially interesting materials only within the last few years, already, scientific papers indicate impressive results and successful utilization of the approach.” Sponsored by The Knowledge Foundation, Inc., 101 Merrimac, Boston, MA 02114, USA. Phone: (617) 367-7979; Fax: (617) 367-7912. E-mail: [email protected] Web:
“Idea Futures: How Markets Can Revolutionize Debate,” January 12, 1999. The Jefferson Club is proud to present: Robin Hanson Research Scholar at U.C. Berkeley Luncheon, Tuesday, January 12, 12:00 noon, Ming’s Villa in Palo Alto. $20 fee for food and room. A chance to hear longtime Foresight member Robin Hanson present his work on Idea Futures, a tool for applied foresight. For more information and to reserve your place: