Foresight Challenge Grant for 2004
$40,000 Challenge Grant announced. Deadline January 31.
Foresight Institute Stage 2
The initial goal of Foresight Institute has been achieved. Next comes Stage 2: Implementation—making molecular nanotechnology (MNT) happen sooner rather than later.
2003 Challenge Grant deadline was met
$50,000 Challenge Grant deadline was met, thanks to many donors including the Internet Science Education Project, whose timely donation brought us to our goal.
Suddenly nanotechnology is getting continual attention—in the news, popular fiction, business meetings, and general conversation. It’s seen as the “next big thing” and is expected to both create great new wealth and solve longstanding societal problems. Foresight is committed to maintaining its role as a thought leader, providing education on the responsible development of nanotechnology. We need your ongoing support, both social and financial, to continue our work advancing the Foresight Guidelines on Molecular Nanotechnology.
A Letter from Foresight Chairman Eric Drexler, with a $50,000 Challenge Grant. As of January 31, we met the entire Challenge Grant amount and earned the full $50,000 matching fund. Thanks to all who participated.
Support Foresight’s new project to update Engines of Creation to fold into our overall goals and strategies all of the changes, positive and negative, that have occurred since 1986.
The Spring 2001 Senior Associate Gathering “Exploring the Edges” was held April 20-22, 2001.
Foresight’s generous supporters donated $35,000 to earn $35,000 challenge by deadline of Jan 31, 2001.
The Spring 2000 Senior Associate Gathering “Confronting Singularity” was held May 19-21, 2000.
A new challenge grant to support the completion of Volumes II and III of Nanomedicine was successful. Order Nanomedicine, Volume 1: Basic Capabilities from
Foresight’s generous supporters donated $50,000 by January 31, 2000, to earn the $50,000 challenge grant.
The Foresight Perspectives Workshops are a series of small, intensively supported, highly interactive full-day sessions, each focused on a specific topic of major importance in emerging technologies. Often, these topics are highly controversial.
The Fall 1999 Senior Associates Gathering was held September 17-19, 1999.
The 1999 Foresight Gathering for Senior Associates of Foresight, IMM, and CCIT was held May 21-23, 1999.
Matching donations were obtained by the 28 February, 1999 deadline.
1998 Challenge Grant for Nanomedicine book raised over $15,000 to support work on this project.
A Senior Associate stepped up to the plate again this year with a two-for-one $45,000 challenge grant to Foresight. Matching donations were needed, and were obtained, by 31 January, 1998.
An individual with skills and experience in Database Administration and in application development is needed to help with the CritSuite software—“The Other Half of Hypertext”.
Reviewer needed for molecular modeling software
MacWeek has recently reviewed (favorably) a new molecular design software product for the Mac, MacSPARTAN. If anyone owns a copy of this product and is interested in reviewing it from the viewpoint of a molecular nanotechnologist, please contact Foresight Update Editor Lew Phelps at: [email protected].
Foresight’s new “State of the Field” Report on Molecular Nanotechnology, which will review events and developments of 1996, is now in preparation.
Foresight announces an effort to develop an interactive 3D graphics tour of the molecular-scale world.