The Chrysalis for Cell Repair
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Black & White
Poisoning, asphyxiation, drowning, all require cell-by-cell repair, perhaps too extensive for macrophages. A chrysalis first envelopes the patient, then enters in between all his cells. It disassembles the patient, surrounding each cell with its own repair machinery and vascular system. The geometry already preserves information about locations of the patient’s cells. If necessary, though, morphogen chemical gradients could also retain this information. A patient would swell up to 10 times original diameter. After repair, the chrysalis withdraws the same way it entered.
© Copyright 1988 by Randy Asplund. For reprint permission, please contact Randy Asplund (Randy Asplund-Faith) at [email protected].
Thomas Donaldson, “24th Century Medicine,” Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact 108 (September 1988):64-80 (64-65).