One Respirocyte
640 X 480 pixels
Closeup of a completed respirocyte, in an unusual pose with the equatorial belt running vertically. The artificial respirocyte is a hollow, spherical medical nanorobot exactly 1 micron in diameter. This nanomachine is built of 18 billion precisely arranged structural atoms, and holds an additional 9 billion molecules when it is fully loaded with gas, fuel, and water. Four pumping stations, of a total of twelve, are partly or completely visible in the image.
© Copyright 1999 Interworld Productions, LLC, P.O. Box 30121, Seattle, WA 98103. For reprint permission, please contact Forrest Bishop at [email protected]. The Respirocyte was conceived and designed by Robert A. Freitas Jr., whose permission is also required.
Robert A. Freitas Jr., “Respirocytes in Nanomedicine,” Graft: Organ and Cell Transplantation 52(May 2050):151, Fig. 2 (special “Future Issue”).