Respirocytes and Red Blood Cells, in Repose
640 X 480 pixels
In this delightfully artistic image, red blood cells lie in respose on a glass plate, with respirocytes scattered randomly about nearby. One nanorobot rests in the central cleft of a red cell. The image is a simulated view of a blood sample that might be taken from some future trauma patient who has received approximately seven therapeutic respirocyte doses at an accident scene. Each single respirocyte in the scene can control nearly the same amount of available oxygen as all eight red cells present in the scene, combined.
© Copyright 1999 Interworld Productions, LLC, P.O. Box 30121, Seattle, WA 98103. For reprint permission, please contact Forrest Bishop at [email protected]. The Respirocyte was conceived and designed by Robert A. Freitas Jr., whose permission is also required.
Robert A. Freitas Jr., “Respirocytes in Nanomedicine,” Graft: Organ and Cell Transplantation 52(May 2050):153, Fig. 6 (special “Future Issue”).