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The microbivore, an artificial white cell, floats along in the bloodstream prior to encountering a pathogen. The nanorobot is about 3 microns in size. In this image, the binding site arrays appear as multicolored circular dapples on the blue sapphire-colored surface. The mouth of the nanorobot is open, and a few of the telescoping grapple arms are extended from the visible surface of the device.
© Copyright 2001 by Zyvex Corp. For reprint permission, please contact Katharine Green, Director of Corporate Communications, Zyvex Corp., 1321 North Plano Road, Richardson, TX 75081, Tel. 972-235-7881. The microbivore was conceived and designed by Robert A. Freitas Jr., whose permission is also required.
Robert A. Freitas Jr., “Robots in the bloodstream: the promise of nanomedicine,” Pathways, The Novartis Journal 2(October-December 2001):36-41