'Cooking' cancer cells with nanotechnology

Antibody-coated carbon nanotubes only bind to cancer cells targeted by the antibody, and irradiation with near-infrared light causes the bound carbon nanotubes to heat up and kill the cancer cells.

Nanotechnology approach to drug delivery uses multifunctional nanoparticles to silence gene

A major nanotech advance in engineering multifunctional nanoparticles for imaging and therapeutic applications combines a short RNA (siRNA) to “silence” a specific gene with quantum dots and a “proton sponge” polymer coating to get the siRNA into the cell and released into the right compartment of the cell.

Hybrid nanowires show promise as nanotechnology building blocks

Millimeter-scale nanotech structures self-assembled from hybrid nanowires can sense and respond to external stimuli.

Must-see anti-aging event in LA this Friday

To live long enough to experience some of the more dramatic applications of nanotechnology, you may need anti-aging treatments. For all of us with an interest in longevity, the place to be starting at 4 PM this Friday, June 27, is UCLA for Aging 2008: At Aging 2008 you will engage with top scientists and… Continue reading Must-see anti-aging event in LA this Friday

Tethered molecular switches as step toward actuators for nanotechnology

Exposure to two different wavelengths of light can cause the azobenzene molecule to switch back and forth between two different shapes. This molecular shape-changing works well in solution but until now has not worked with molecules attached to surfaces. Now scientists from Penn State University and Rice University have found a way to make the… Continue reading Tethered molecular switches as step toward actuators for nanotechnology

Optical tweezers for nanotechnology

A nanotech version of the optical tweezers traditionally used to manipulate micrometer-scale objects manipulates objects at the 200-nm scale.

Nanotechnology for inexpensive plastic memory

A new concept for a very cheap plastic nanotech memory has been developed by combining the favorable properties of ferroelectrics and semiconductors.

Molecular clutch for bacterial flagellum may offer control mechanism for nanotechnology

The flagellum clutch mechanism may provide ideas useful for nanotech control of molecular motors.

Solar cell nanotechnology uses the right imperfections

Carbon nanotubes with the proper imperfections were found to replace more problematic and expensive materials in dye-sensitized solar cells.

Using nanotechnology to attract cells to regenerate cartilage

The combination of electrical stimulation and a nanotech surface composed of carbon nanotubes dispersed in polycarbonate urethane was found to attract cartilage-forming cells.

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