New law and business journal for nanotechnology

Starting publication February 2004, Nanotechnology Law & Business (NLB) "is the first authoritative source of information entirely devoted to the legal, business, and policy aspects of nanotechnology and more generally small scale technologies. NLB will provide valuable expert insights and analysis for all professionals involved in these fast-developing fields."

Integrated Nanosystems Conference

3rd Integrated Nanosystems: Design, Synthesis & Applications Conference and Nanotechnology Showcase, September 22-24, 2004, Pasadena, California. "Papers are solicited on the subjects of Devices and Systems; Nanoscale Phenomena, Nanomanufacturing, and General Topics." or (page to be activated in March 2004)

Call For Papers on Nanotech Challenges

Two journals have issued a Call for Papers on Nanotech Challenges (print version in pdf). The deadline is June 30, 2004. Particularly welcome are papers on disciplinary challenges, epistemological challenges, ontological & metaphysical challenges, and ethical and sociological challenges.

Beautiful Nanorings Could Become Nanoscale Sensors

Roland Piquepaille writes "Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology have created nanorings of single-crystal zinc oxide. Because of the semiconducting and piezoelectric properties of the material, these nanostructures could serve as nanometer-scale sensors, resonators and transducers, according to this article from These perfectly circular nanorings range in diameter from one to four microns and are 10-30 nanometers thick. They could be used to build implantable sensors for real-time monitoring of such biomedical measures as blood pressure, blood flow rate and stress at the level of single cells. This overview contains more details and references. It also contains an image of such a beautiful zinc-oxide circular nanoring."

Zyvex Making Heat Sink Compound for Intel?

JohnFaith writes "This story at EETimes describes commercialization and research efforts at Zyvex and a few other companies. Intel is researching using Zyvex's carbon nanotube compounds for dissipating heat."

The Business of Nano: Pennsylvania Nanotechnology

Pennsylvania announces that The Business of Nano: Pennsylvania Nanotechnology Conference 2004 will be held May 25-26, 2004 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia.

More building blocks for DNA nanotechnology

Scientists Brew Tree-Shaped DNA: "Researchers from Cornell University have synthesized a new type of DNA that can be used as a nanotechnology building block. … The Cornell researchers have found a way to make branched, or Y-shaped DNA, and have constructed dendrimer, or tree-shaped, DNA by connecting branched DNA." Alternate URL

What Can I Do?

Perplexed about how to get involved in nanotechnology, Underprepared writes "As an Idea for the coming years a Career Search Program would be of help to many people such as myself, Who have an interest in Nanotechnology but no real objective or goal for it. Especially due to the overwhelming interest there will be in the next few years."

Questioning why molecular manufacturing is dismissed

Dismissing Drexler Is Bad for Business, a Betterhumans column by Simon Smith: "Ignoring the potential of molecular manufacturing won't make it go away, so why is the US nanotech industry painting its advocates as kooks?"

Growing Silicon Nanowires Where You Want Them

Roland Piquepaille writes "Researchers from the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) have found a way to grow silicon nanowires exactly where you need them. According to this news release, this will have an important impact on semiconductor research and might lead to faster computer chips. How does this new approach work? It's surprisingly easy. Raj Solanki and his team used a technique developed decades ago by Bell Labs called vapor-liquid-solid deposition. "The addition of the electrical fields is what's new," said Solanki. He hopes this discovery will lead to gigascale integration (a billion transistors on a chip). This overview gives you more details. It also includes a photo of such silicon nanowires."

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