Nanowire film for cheaper, faster electronics

Roland Piquepaille writes of Better Displays With New Nanowire Film: progress in applying silicon nanowires to glass and plastic, which "might lead to better and flexible displays or wearable computers".

Better Artificial Body Parts With Metal Nanobumps

Roland Piquepaille writes "Everybody seems concerned these days by the risks associated with the use of nanotechnologies. So I'm pleased to report that Purdue engineers have proven that metal nano-bumps could improve artificial body parts, such as hips or knees. They based their theory on a simple fact. Surface bumps on conventional alloys used in prostheses are in the micron range, while they are ten times smaller in natural bones, around 100 nanometers. They thought a reduction of the size of these bumps in the prostheses would also reduce the risk of rejection by the body. They limited their experiments to petri dishes, but showed that adherence of new body cells to their new metal alloys was dramatically better than with existing alloys. Ssveral years will pass before improved artificial hips come to market. But the needs are growing. This overview gives you more details and references."

Nanotechnology as "The Heart of Darkness"

HLovy writes with an example of how "misrepresentations, distortions and half-truths" are being used to advocate a moratorium on nanotechnology research: "Apocalypse Nano"

Market place for nanotechnology domain names

Benj writes " a Market for already registered nanotechnology domain names.

How To Learn Enough Chemistry

brettl writes "In trying to read technical articles related to the field, I find that I do not have nearly enough chemistry background to keep up with many of the discussions. Is there any way to learn this without going back to school for an organic chemistry class?"

Nanotechnology as Frankenstein of our Era

HLovy asks whether nanotechnology has become one of the "Golems of our Era"

Bootstrapping a Nanofactory – An Inteview

2012Rocky writes "Chris Phoenix talks about his recent paper 'Design of a Primitive Nanofactory' with 'All About Bootstrapping'"

Scarcity and Abundance for the Long-lived

Phil Bowermaster reflects on the implications of radical life extension for the human lifestyle: "Life in Abundance".

Best of Small Tech Awards announced

Small Times Media writes "Recognizing the people, products and companies that are leading the growth of the micro and nanotechnology industry, Small Times Media announces its 2003 Small Times Magazine Best of Small Tech Awards. These awards represent the best of the best in nanotechnology, MEMS and microsystems. A complete list of award winners is available online. In-depth profiles of winners and lists of finalists are available in the November/December 2003 issue."

Is True Molecular Manufacturing impossible?

HLovy writes "Here we are, through the looking glass, where we ponder the impact of molecular nanotechnology upon the ethical fiber of our society, when we have yet to settle a cosmic bar bet on whether it's possible at all." See "Settle a little bet for me"

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