DARPA research effort in molecular electronics

from the Rice-calls-it-"Moleware" dept.
TomKalil writes "DARPA has recently released a call for proposals in molecular electronics (MoleTronics). One of the technical goals of the program is to demonstrate densities of 1011 devices/cm2. See link for a description of existing DARPA-funded research on molecular electronics at HP and UCLA, Rice, Notre Dame, Harvard, Penn State, etc." From the call for proposals: "The second task is hierarchical self-assembly, i.e., bridging the nano- to the micro-worlds. This can be described as a set of processes that will first assemble individual devices, then create functional nano-blocks (e.g., memory and/or logic) from those devices, and finally the interconnection amongst said nano-blocks to form computationally functional circuits (modules) with a reasonable input and output methodology. Innovative interconnect and input/output concepts (e.g., multiplexing and demultiplexing schemes) are solicited."

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