DuPont gets investor kudos for nanotech responsibility

The Motley Fool’s Jack Uldrich on DuPont:

“Essentially, DuPont is publicly acknowledging that there are possible risks in nanoscale material and nanoparticles; and it’s actively working to identify and — if feasible — minimize or eliminate those risks as quickly and efficiently as possible…

“DuPont’s stance is a refreshing change from your typical corporate position, which has often been to refuse to consider — let alone acknowledge in advance — the possibility that some of the materials or chemicals being developed may pose an environmental, safety, or health risk. I am confident DuPont’s openness will be rewarded in the marketplace….

“The bottom line is that DuPont has a lot riding on the successful development of nanotechnology, and I am bullish on many of these developments. However, I’m equally bullish on DuPont’s willingness to engage in an active and aggressive policy of protecting tomorrow’s profitable nanotechnology development with its careful and considered analysis of the field’s potential health, safety and environmental risks today.  As they say, forewarned is forearmed.”

And foresighted. Let’s hope this company’s stance inspires others, not just on today’s materials, but on tomorrow’s devices and the revolutionary nanosystems on the horizon. —Christine

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