Wise nanoeducation investment or nano-pork?

Given the increasing protest from U.S. voters over the growing problem of “pork” spending by Congress, it behooves us in the nanotech field to develop criteria for nanotech projects. Here’s an example from the May 2006 Forbes/Wolfe Nanotech Report (similar report in Milwaukee Business Journal): “Department of Commerce Funding: Chippewa Valley Technical College Funding Announced:… Continue reading Wise nanoeducation investment or nano-pork?

New nanotech export controls opposed

The leading semiconductor equipment industry association has taken a strong stand (one-page pdf) against new U.S. nanotech export controls: “SEMI is concerned about possible new export controls on nanotechnology products and cautions against further controls until this technology is better defined. “Nanotechnology should not be controlled simply because it is nanotechnology. This label is often… Continue reading New nanotech export controls opposed

Nanotech moves into the automobile

Nanofilm president (and Foresight participating member) Scott Rickert writes in Industry Week of the changes taking place as nanotechnology moves into the automobile. A couple of excerpts: “What about getting more mileage out of the fuel itself? Nano-lubricants can reduce friction, converting engine power to motion instead of heat. In fact, some predict that nanocoatings… Continue reading Nanotech moves into the automobile

Nanotech: a view from Indonesia

Writing in The Jakarta Post, Indonesia’s leading English language newspaper, is attorney Mohamad Mova Al ‘Afghan. He looks specifically at molecular nanotechnology, which he defines as “the capability to assemble any product than can be designed directly from atoms and molecules.” See the full article, or these excerpts: “The revolution in manufacturing resulting from MNT… Continue reading Nanotech: a view from Indonesia

Africans respond to prospect of nanotech competition

In a piece titled When Technology Displaces the Farmer, Arnold Munthali presents the ETC Group’s concerns about nanotech-based competition for African farmers, and responses from the farmers’ representatives attending the World Trade Organization meeting in Hong Kong: “While delegates are negotiating for better trade, however, Jim Thomas of the ETC Group, which campaigns on ecological… Continue reading Africans respond to prospect of nanotech competition

Be a nanoanalyst & get paid for it

It’s not as fun as my job here at Foresight — what could be? — but Lux Research is recruiting Analyst and Senior Analyst positions based in NYC, SF, or Boston. Required for both: “Deep intellectual curiosity about emerging technologies…Fluency in spoken and written Mandarin or Korean is a huge plus; Western European or Middle… Continue reading Be a nanoanalyst & get paid for it

Nanotechnology in the developing world

Foresight Research Associate Bryan Bruns reports: “Will heavy investments in nanotechnology lead to a North-South nanodivide? In the Policy Forum of the July 1 issue of Science, an article, Small Things and Big Changes in the Developing World, argues that the answer appears to be no. Mohammed H.A. Hassan of the Academy of Sciences for… Continue reading Nanotechnology in the developing world

Let's put nanotechnology in larger chemical context

Recently there have been a spate of media articles triggered by a July 13 report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office to the effect that, as an LA Times piece put it: “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is failing to protect the public from tens of thousands of toxic compounds because it has not gathered… Continue reading Let's put nanotechnology in larger chemical context

New Study: Nanotechnology Poised to Revolutionize

Gina Miller writes "New Study: Nanotechnology Poised to Revolutionize Tech, Manufacturing Markets; Market Will Rival Sales Volume of Combined Tech and Telecom Markets. Sales of products incorporating nanotechnology will total $2.6 trillion in 10 years, approximately one-fifth of the current Gross Domestic Product, greatly exceeding previous estimates, according to a new report released by a leading Wall Street financial analyst. Nano- enhanced products will account for 50 percent of all electronics and information technology products and 16 percent of all healthcare products by 2014, according to the report. This story was found at U.S. Newswire 10/29/04."

Ed. Note… Maybe its slowly sinking into the minds of those who are supposed to be predicting the future how disruptive nanotech is likely to be….

Sen. Kerry Pitches 30 billion for Tech Investment

Gina Miller writes "Last week Sen. John Kerry spoke at San Jose State University where he discussed his agenda if he were elected President. Within his proposal was a suggested 30 billion dollars towards hi-tech jobs and funding increases to foster research and science in many areas, including nanotechnology. Read the article at EETimes."

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