European Spending Double the US on Nanotech

from the upping-the-ante? dept.
Tim Harper writes "A new report from the European NanoBusiness Association analyzes EU funding and finds that Europe is already way ahead with spending almost double that of the US." It's Ours to Lose: An Analysis of EU Nanotechnology Funding and the Sixth Framework Programme, available for free download from as a PDF file. With more on the topic of Nanotechnology Funding and the Sixth Framework Program, anonymous Bob Grahame writes "Within a few months, there will be between 2 and 3 times more finance available – between 600 and 900M€ invested annually in Europe. The intention is to encourage economic growth while preserving the environment. 'Nanotechnologies means doing more and better with fewer resources'." Information can be downloaded at Press room: Sustainable Production: The Role of Nanotechnologies

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