Supporting founders solving the world's biggest problems at Fifty Years. Currently, building programs for great students, scientists, engineers to translate their technology into companies with the potential to reach millions. If you're working on a crazy challenging idea with a massive positive impact, let's chat! I'd love to dive in and support you! What drives me is creating solutions to the world's problems. I continue learning what is my place where I can drive the most impact in the world. I have built and led multiple teams towards high-impact projects while creating an engaging culture and driving the strategic path towards growth. Developed the strategic growth and operations of Enseñame Voluntariado to provide online classes to over 2000 kids in public schools across 21 regions in Peru who would not otherwise have access to education. Also passionate about health, fitness, meditation, nature, tech and meeting people who look at the world with a slightly crazy lens towards redefining the current world.