The deadline to nominate a colleague to be considered for the prestigious Foresight Institute Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology is Wednesday, June 30, 2004. Established in honor of Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman, two prizes, one for theory and one for experimental work, will be awarded. These prizes recognize researchers whose recent work have most advanced the achievement of Feynman's vision for nanotechnology: molecular manufacturing, defined as the construction of atomically-precise products through the use of molecular machine systems.
The deadline to nominate a colleague to be considered for the prestigious Foresight Institute Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology is Wednesday, June 30, 2004.
Established in honor of Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman, two prizes, one for theory and one for experimental work, will be awarded. These prizes recognize researchers whose recent work have most advanced the achievement of Feynman's vision for nanotechnology: molecular manufacturing, defined as the construction of atomically-precise products through the use of molecular machine systems.
The Foresight Feynman prizes will be presented at the Feynman Prize Banquet to be held as part of the:
October 22, 2004
Crystal City Marriott Hotel
Washington, DC USA
An award of $5,000 will be given in each category to the top submission selected by the committee.
*** Past WINNERS ***
2003 Feynman Prize Winners
Experimental: Carlo Montemagno (University of California at Los Angeles)
Theory: Marvin L. Cohen and Steven G. Louie (University of California at Berkeley)
2002 Feynman Prize Winners
Experimental: Chad Mirkin (Northwestern University)
Theory: Don Brenner (North Carolina State University)
2001 Feynman Prize Winners
Experimental: Charles M. Lieber (Harvard University)
Theory: Mark A. Ratner (Northwestern University)
2000 Feynman Prize Winners
Experimental: R. Stanley Williams (HP Labs), Philip Kuekes (HP Labs), James Heath (UCLA)
Theory: Uzi Landman (Georgia Tech)
1999 Feynman Prize Winners
Experimental: Phaedon Avouris (IBM)
Theory: William A. Goddard III, Dr. Tahir Cagin, Ms. Yue Qi, (Caltech)
1998 Feynman Prize Winners
Experimental: M. Reza Ghadiri (Scripps Research Institute)
Theory: Ralph C. Merkle (Zyvex, LLC), Stephen Walch (ELORET NASA Ames)
1997 Feynman Prize Winners
Experimental: James K. Gimzewski (IBM Zurich Research Laboratory), Reto Schlittler (IBM), Christian Joachim (CEMES-CNRS)
Theory: NASA Ames, MRJ Team-Charles Bauschlicher, Stephen Barnard, Creon Levit, Glenn Deardorff, Al Globus, Jie Han, Richard Jaffe, Alessandra Ricca, Marzio Rosi, Deepak Srivastava, H. Thuemmel
1995 Feynman Prize Winner
Nadrian C. Seeman (New York University)
1993 Feynman Prize Winner
Charles Musgrave (Caltech)
HOW TO SUBMIT Individual submissions are preferred, but teams of two or three will be considered. Submission must arrive by June 30, 2004.
Research areas considered relevant to MNT (e.g., molecular manufacturing and molecular machine systems) include but are not limited to:
- supramolecular chemistry
- mechanosynthesis
- molecular machines
- scanning probes
- biomolecular machinery
- computational chemistry
- nanomaterials
- nanotubes
- self-assembly
Information should be submitted by email attachment, URL, or on CD–no paper, please. Files may be sent in these formats: txt, html, doc, or pdf. Graphics may be sent in any browser-readable format.
Please put information in attachments rather than in the body of an email.
Nominations must state which Prize is being applied for (Experimental or Theory); have a summary with the nominee's address, telephone, and (if possible) fax and email address; and must include at least one (ideally, all) of the following:
- URL of bio, CV, and/or research group
- List of up to five most relevant publications
- URLs for, or electronic files of, up to five most relevant publications
- Statement of up to 400 words describing the work and its relevance to the goal of MNT, e.g., molecular manufacturing and molecular machine systems. [If the work has multiple authors, the nominee's role must be stated.]
Submissions should be emailed to [email protected], or CDs mailed to Foresight Institute to arrive by June 30, 2004. If you are sending your submission by express mail or federal express, please contact us for our street address.
Contact information should be included for nominator as well as nominee. Finalists may be contacted for additional information.
Foresight Institute
PO Box 61058
Palo Alto, CA 94306 USA
tel +1 650 917 1122
fax +1 650 917 1123
[email protected]