Nanoparticles used to destroy tumors (in mice)

Triton's nanotechnology designed to take on tumors; Last month the Boston Business Journal reported that Triton BioSystems Inc. was attempting to raise additional financing to adapt to cancer treatment its military welding technology, in which a magnetic device is used to heat nanoparticles, thus welding together polymers to effect battlefield repairs. In the cancer treatment system, so far only tested in mice, the metallic nanoparticles would be coated with a monoclonal antibody so that they localize in a tumor, and then the magnetic device would be used to heat the nanoparticles, thus destroying the tumor without using radiation or harsh chemicals.

Will You Ride This Nano-Elevator?

Roland Piquepaille writes "Chemists from Italy and at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have built the world's smallest elevator. It is a molecular elevator, about 2.5 nanometers high and 3.5 nanometers wide. The molecular platform sits on three legs which can move up and down by one nanometer. The New Scientist and the New York Times (free registration needed) are both reporting about this nano-elevator. The researchers think this system might be used as a drug delivery system. Even if they're right, it will not happen before at least ten years. This overview contains some excerpts from the two articles mentioned above. It also includes a schematical representation of the chemical equilibrium between the two co-conformations of the molecular elevator."

Rosette nanotubes make implants more biocompatible

Rosette nanotubes not only promise versatile components for advanced nanotechnology, but look likely to be useful in near-term nanomedicine as well. Jamie Dinkelacker brings to our attention the fact that Self-assembling 'nanotubes' offer promise for future artificial joints. These nanotubes are assembled from DNA base pair-like rosettes and have the virtue of being readily modified to have different chemical properties [see Customizable, Self-assembling Nanotubes]. Not only has it been demonstrated "that bone cells called osteoblasts attach better to nanotube-coated titanium than they do to conventional titanium used to make artificial joints," but the highly customizable nature of these nanotubes offers hope that coatings can be designed that are optimized for implants in different body parts.

Tweezers for Molecules

Roland Piquepaille writes "Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have created magnetic "tweezers" that let them manipulate individual biomolecules. This article from NIST Tech Beat, Controlling Biomolecules With Magnetic 'Tweezers', says it will help them to study "folding patterns and other biochemical details important in medical, forensic and other research areas." This overview contains more details and references about this research work. It also includes a diagram showing the concept of a magnetic trap for single-magnetic-bead manipulation in a microfluidic cell."

Singing Cells in the Key of C-Sharp

JamGrrl writes "Using AFM technology in a way never initially intended, researchers at UCLA have discovered that cells make sounds. Living yeast cell walls rise and fall three nanometers on an average of 1,000 times a second. Amplified through an AFM like a record needle, this produces sound. Yeast cells play between C-sharp and D, just above middle C. Dying cells make a higher pitched tone, and dead cells continue to vibrate, albeit in very low tones. If tones are found to be consistant between types of cells and cell condition, this technique may be used in the future to diagnose diseases, possibly before the onset of symptoms."

The ViriChip Uses an Atomic Microscope to Catch Vi

Roland Piquepaille writes "Researchers in Iowa have used nanotechnology to develop a very small silicon chip to catch and help identify viruses, according to Technology Research News. The device, dubbed the ViriChip, is used in conjunction with an atomic force microscope (AFM). The prototype is already able to identify several viruses and should be in labs in less than two years. A particular application could help save lives by enabling doctors to check a donor heart for potential infections before transplanting it to a patient. This overview contains more details. It also includes references to other articles about the ViriChip and images showing how it looks and a virus it detected."

Electrical Nanopulses Might Kill Tumors

Roland Piquepaille writes "Killing cells affected by cancer while leaving healthy ones alone is not a new idea (check here or there for example). But, in "Ultra-fast shocks scramble cells," Nature describes a new approach based on electrical nanopulses. These electric shocks last only a few billionths of a second while reaching during this very short amount of time power levels of terawatts. They also are very intriguing, apparently forcing cancer cells to commit suicide. For this reason, "there is plenty to be worked out before the human body is zapped with nanopulses." This overview contains more details and references. It also includes images showing how cells are affected by these electric nanopulses."

Quantum Dots Used To Visualize Cellular Processes

Roland Piquepaille writes "German researchers at the Max Planck Institute are using nanotechnology to take movies of cellular processes. They used Quantum Dots (or QDs) as nano-sized markers to visualize DNA sequences. This new approach is crucial for the development of new cancer drugs. "These Quantum Dots are nano-sized semiconductor crystals a mere ten millionth of a millimeter in diameter that fluoresce in several different colors upon excitation with a laser source. These crystals enabled the researchers to deliver real-time video-clips of signal transmission in the so-called erbB receptor family, important targets for many anti-tumor drugs such as antibodies directed against breast cancer." More details and references are available in this overview including some isolated shots from a movie showing live cells activation."

This Biochip Makes Nanoliter Droplet Test Tubes

Roland Piquepaille writes "Researchers from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center have devised a new programmable biochip which can manipulate nanoliter droplets. In this article, Technology Research News says that this biochip "uses an array of electrodes to place water droplets on a surface, insert substances into the droplets, and move and merge the droplets." The device, which has no moving parts, could help to identify pathogen agents in the field. Even if the researchers plan to have a protoype ready by the ned of the first half of 2004, they don't expect to have a miniaturized, fully-automated device available for field testing before two years. This overview contains more details and a picture of the biochip."

Spy On Your Food with this DNA Chip

Roland Piquepaille writes "Do you want to know if the chicken you just bought at the supermarket contains bits of pork or beef? Or would you like to know if the vegetarian meal you just ordered contains some fish or meat? If your answer is yes, you might get some help from a DNA chip which can recognize 32 different species of fishes, birds and mammals, including humans(!!), in a single test. Both Small Times and New Scientist carry a story of this DNA chip, which will likely be used first by food regulators. The FoodExpert-ID biochip is the first high-throughput gene chip for testing food and animal feed. But it doesn't come cheap. The cost of all the equipment needed to perform the tests is around $250,000, but each test would cost only $350 to $550. This overview contains more details and references. It also includes illustrations showing how the technology works."

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