Foresight Institute Press
Pages: 182
ISBM: 979-8-9862120-0-5
"In light of the existential crisis about the future of humanity, this book focuses on how the combination of computer science, law, economics, cryptography and artificial intelligence can contribute to building a more cooperative society and unlocking more desirable futures."
"Rodney King asked "can we all get along?" and this book attempts to answer his question, explaining the current state of the world and a mechanism by which a diverse population of people with diverse goals can make the world a better place by voluntarily making small choices that improve things for some without harming others."
"Gaming the Future raises important questions about how - and whether - it is possible to avoid future dystopias by leveraging the power of diverse and competing citizens to plan, to predict, and evade the pitfalls ahead."
“As Wendell Berry has pointed out, academia has splintered into fragmented, one-eyed specialties; Gaming the Future does not make this same error. By integrating economics, law, cryptography, political science, blockchain technology, and artificial intelligence, Gaming the Future is a fascinating look at what we might be able to accomplish if human cooperation is designed for and allowed to flourish."
“Reading Gaming the Future is essential! It is a masterpiece of modern philosophy, and its lessons are crucial for our civilization's survival and flourishing. Unlike most works of philosophy in history, Gaming the Future is firmly grounded in science and economics, it is a delightful and accessible read, and it paints a deeply inspiring vision for our future. This book should be a required read for everyone, especially those in government, economics, science, and positions of power."
Is the president and CEO of Foresight Institute. She directs the Intelligent Cooperation, Molecular Machines, Biotech & Health Extension, Neurotech, and Space Groups, Fellowships, Prizes, and Tech Trees. She shares Foresight’s work with the public, for instance at the Wall Street Journal, SXSW, O’Reilly AI, WEF, The Partnership on AI, Effective Altruism Global, and TEDx. She founded, co-edited Superintelligence: Coordination & Strategy, co-authored Gaming the Future, and co-initiated The Longevity Prize. She holds an MS in Philosophy & Public Policy from the London School of Economics, focusing on AI Safety, and a BA in Philosophy, Politics, Economics from York University.
Is the Chief Scientist at Agoric, is a pioneer of agoric (market-based secure distributed) computing and smart contracts, the main designer of the E and Dr. SES distributed persistent object-capability programming languages, inventor of Miller Columns, an architect of the Xanadu hypertext publishing system, a representative to the EcmaScript committee, a former Google research scientist, and a senior fellow of the Foresight Institute.
Is the co-founder and senior fellow at Foresight Institute. She writes and lectures to general audiences on a wide variety of topics including nanotechnology, longevity and computer security, She co-authored the books Unbounding the Future: the Nanotechnology Revolution and Leaping the Abyss: Putting Group Genious to Work.