Genius grant goes to Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology winner

Can we pick ’em or what? All of us at Foresight Nanotech are pleased as punch to see that the co-winner of *both* 2006 Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology (Theory and Experiment) has just won a 2007 MacArthur Fellowship, popularly known as a genius grant. From the MacArthur website:

Paul Rothemund
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California
Born: 1972

Nanotechnologist folding DNA to create complex shapes and patterns that provide a platform for building circuits, molecular switches, and other nanodevices of the future.

We sent him an congratulatory email and he replied:

Thanks Christine!
It was a crazy and wonderful surprise!

But well-deserved. I only wish all the nanotech geniuses we know could be so properly rewarded.

Paul also serves on the Working Group for the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems, to be launched on Oct. 9-10 in Arlington, VA (student/educator discounted rate of $250 ends this Friday). Thanks to Jim Von Ehr for bringing the MacArthur news to our attention. —Christine

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