Google Trends on nanotechnology

A new service from Google, named Google Trends, graphs the number and source of searches on whatever term you wish. The results for nanotechnology:

Top ten countries
1. India
2. Iran
3. Singapore
4. Malaysia
5. South Korea
6. Thailand
7. United States
8. Australia
9. Canada
10. Taiwan

Top ten cities
1. Hyderabad, India
2. Chennai, India
3. New Delhi, India
4. Delhi, India
5. Mumbai, India
6. Tehran, Iran
7. Bangalore, India
8. Singapore, Singapore
9. Washington, DC, USA
10. Houston, TX, USA

Top ten languages
1. Korean
2. Thai
3. English
4. Chinese
5. Turkish
6. Italian
7. Dutch
8. Spanish
9. German
10. Portuguese

This is a bit confusing. Are the folks in India doing searches in Korean? But the bottom line on nanotechnology interest appears to be: Asia, by a mile. —Christine

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