GreenNano webcast tomorrow morning

Sorry for the late notice, but I just learned about the live webcast tomorrow at 10:30 AM U.S. East Coast time by the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies at the Wilson Center (ignore typo “Apr 11, 03:20 PM”):

How “Green” is Nanotechnology? A Corporate Perspective
“Nanotechnology has the potential to be doubly ‘green.’ It promises to give companies the ability to design new products that are made from more environmentally-friendly materials, and that use less energy and generate less waste throughout the production lifecycle. Green nanotechnology could also earn businesses hefty profits.”

It was the potential environmental benefits of productive nanosystems that first got me excited about nanotech. Regardless of how green nanotech is today or near-term, the long-term prospect of building with molecular precision should be great for the environment. —Christine

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