Nanotechnology shrinks tumors by targeting two genes

Nanoparticles can introduce two very promising, but easily degraded, therapeutic molecules into a laboratory model of human skin, and together they are much more effective than either is alone is slowing the development of deadly melanoma skin cancer.

New microscope follows nanotechnology cancer treatment in living mice

A noninvasive Raman microscope has allowed scientists to track carbon nanotubes injected into living mice.

Programming cell behavior with RNA nanotechnology

Nanotech applications based upon modules of RNA that bind small molecules to control the catalytic activity of other RNA modules may form the basis for a wide variety of synthetic molecular machines.

Nanotechnology delivers suicide gene to pancreatic cancer cells

Combining a nanotech method of getting genes inside cancer cells with genetic engineering of a potent suicide gene driven by control signals that are very active only in cancer cells effectively killed cell lines derived from pancreatic cancer.

Nanotechnology may need to account for proteins that coat nanoparticles used for drug delivery

Different chemical surfaces covering a nanoparticle can attract different types of blood proteins to coat the nanoparticle, which might affect how the nanoparticle moves through the body and where it ends up.

Nanotechnology provides more sensitive test for DNA changes in cancer and during treatment

A nanotech method using quantum dots provides greatly increased sensitivity in the detection of methylated DNA, and may therefore aid in cancer diagnosis and in monitoring the effect of cancer therapies.

Nanotechnology clusters different molecules into one cargo to target and destroy tumors

Researchers have developed a nanoparticle that is stable enough inside an animal to deliver molecules to image a tumor in multiple ways and to deliver drugs to kill the tumor.

Nanotechnology provides two-compartment nanoparticles for drug delivery

Nanoparticles that simultaneously deliver water-soluble and water-insoluble drugs might offer an advantage in killing cancer cells that develop resistance to one drug.

Nanotechnology reveals communications among immune system cells

Nanotech contributions to the development of medical science now include devices that can decipher the chemical communications among individual cells. A new microfluidic device called a multi-trap nanophysiometer promises to be particularly useful in elucidating the communications among individual cells of the immune system, and perhaps eventually revealing what goes wrong during the immune system’s… Continue reading Nanotechnology reveals communications among immune system cells

Nanotechnology concentrates drug in cancer cell mitochondria

Adding the ability to target nanotech cancer therapy to the mitochondria within cancer cells renders the treatment more effective.

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