The Hive Mind is a global online gathering of our foresighted community seeking flourishing long-term futures in times of acute crisis, meeting every weekday 11 AM PT, 8 PM CEST.
After three-weeks of daily global online workshop, we’re expanding into week four by deep diving into a few promising areas for change.
We’re thrilled to share the videos of week 3 with you below, exploring how to create more resilient global systems from COVID-19.
We hope they may entice you to join us from Monday onward at 11 AM PT, 8 PM CEST, kicking off a week of deep dives into COVID-19 opportunities for advancing human rights, computer security, sense-making, unusual policy opportunities, health (extension) and much more.
Glen | RadicalXChange, Alex | HRF, Zarinah | Embassy Network
Anthony | Metaculus, Aviv | TTP, Kim | UG, Phoebe | IBI
Sandrine | Club of Rome, Ruth | WEF, Sam | CSER, Michael | Nanotronics
Tom | One Ventures, Will | Planet, David | Pivot Bio, Tia | Replenish Earth
We hope the videos above enticed you to join us from Monday onward at 11 AM PT, 8 PM CEST, kicking off a week of deep dives into COVID-19 opportunities for advancing human rights, computer security, sense-making, unusual policy opportunities, health (extension) and much more.