Life extension conference: $100 off discount code

Many of you have an interest in human longevity in general and in being healthier and living longer personally.  If we want to help develop and guide nanotech and other advanced technologies, we need to stay healthy.
I am organizing a conference on this topic, October 9-10, here in the Bay Area:
You will recognize some of the speakers from past Foresight meetings, now speaking on a new topic — applying their high-tech skills and knowledge to improving their bodies.  Foresight is a partner with this conference, and there’s a discount on registration.  By using the code below, you will get $100 off:
Discount code:  FORESIGHT
If you have already paid the higher rate, please let me know.  Feel free to pass this code along to your friends and colleagues; the goal is to benefit the greater Foresight community.
Whether you can attend the meeting or not, if this is a topic of interest, you can join the Facebook page and participate in other ways; see the list here:
Hope to see you there!  —Christine Peterson, Chairman, Personalized Life Extension 2010

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