Mouse life extended 20%

Posted by Robert Bradbury: Brian Wang writes Aubrey de Grey who founded “The Methuselah Mouse Prize” spoke about life extension at a Senior Associates gathering.

There has been recent development in the area of life extension. A mouse with the ability to mop up free radicals at the cellular level – and live longer as a result – has been created by scientists. The research is a boost for the free radical theory of ageing. This proposes that reactive oxygen species damage cells and tissues, leading to declining health and, eventually, death.”

“The transgenic mice Peter Rabinovitch’s team created produce higher-than-normal levels of the antioxidant enzyme catalase. Cells use catalase to convert damaging hydrogen peroxide to harmless water and molecular oxygen, but the enzyme is usually found only in the cytoplasm of cells.

His team made mice that produce high levels of catalase in their mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells. They found that cellular damage, as well as age-related damage in the heart, decreased in comparison to control mice that produced catalase in just cytoplasm or in cell nuclei. The lifespan of the mitochondria-catalase mice was extended by more than five months – an increase of around 20%.”

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