Update on promise of nanotechnology for radically extended life span

The January issue of Life Extension Magazine offers a report on the eventual promise of medical nanobots.

Error correction in nature's nanotechnology

The ribosome has a previously unsuspected method of error correction—in this case monitoring the fidelity of protein synthesis after the peptide bond is formed.

New optical method to trap and move molecules for nanotechnology

Researchers have used slot waveguides to condense light energy to scales as small as 60 nm allowing them to trap 75-nm polystyrene nanoparticles and DNA molecules and transport them optically.

Nanotechnology provides new, improved walking DNA nanobot

DNA nanotech continues to improve the devices it produces as Oxford University scientists fix several shortcomings seen in earlier versions of bipedal DNA molecular walkers.

Controlling the independent release of multiple drugs with nanotechnology

Nanotech could make possible the controlled release within the patient of up to four different drugs by irradiation with different wavelengths of near-infrared radiation.

Combining structural DNA nanotechnology and gold nanoparticles to make decorated DNA nanotubes

Researchers have been able to attach gold nanoparticles to DNA tiles and, by varying the size of the nanoparticles and the presence of DNA stem loops on some tiles, have been able to control the formation from the DNA tiles of various three dimensional DNA nanotubes.

Mechanism of most powerful molecular motor available to inspire nanotechnology

Scientists have now revealed the working mechanism of one of the most powerful molecular motors known to biology.

Interfacing with neurons using nanotechnology

Research on the interactions between carbon nanotubes and neurons shows that electrical phenomena in nanotubes may lead to engineering interactions between nanomaterials and neurons.

Nanotechnology-produced wires to swim through blood, attach to, and kill cancer cells

Nanowerk News reports that an international nanotech collaboration of American and Korean scientists, funded by the Korean government, has developed multifunctional gold-coated nanowires that are designed to swim through the blood stream and attach to cancerous cells via antibodies against the cancer cells. Exposure to an electromagnetic field should heat the nanowires and destroy the… Continue reading Nanotechnology-produced wires to swim through blood, attach to, and kill cancer cells

Reading DNA sequences from single molecules of polymerase using nanotechnology

A new nanotech method of DNA sequencing is 30,000 times faster than current DNA sequencing methods.

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