Nanotechnology as Frankenstein of our Era

HLovy asks whether nanotechnology has become one of the "Golems of our Era"

Bootstrapping a Nanofactory – An Inteview

2012Rocky writes "Chris Phoenix talks about his recent paper 'Design of a Primitive Nanofactory' with 'All About Bootstrapping'"

Scarcity and Abundance for the Long-lived

Phil Bowermaster reflects on the implications of radical life extension for the human lifestyle: "Life in Abundance".

Best of Small Tech Awards announced

Small Times Media writes "Recognizing the people, products and companies that are leading the growth of the micro and nanotechnology industry, Small Times Media announces its 2003 Small Times Magazine Best of Small Tech Awards. These awards represent the best of the best in nanotechnology, MEMS and microsystems. A complete list of award winners is available online. In-depth profiles of winners and lists of finalists are available in the November/December 2003 issue."

Is True Molecular Manufacturing impossible?

HLovy writes "Here we are, through the looking glass, where we ponder the impact of molecular nanotechnology upon the ethical fiber of our society, when we have yet to settle a cosmic bar bet on whether it's possible at all." See "Settle a little bet for me"

Nanotech Intro Class Online

Glenn Fishbine writes "This material was produced as part of a ten hour course designed to introduce the scope of nanotechnology. Use is hereby granted for educational purposes only."

Nanoparticle detection technology for protein biomarkers

Wendy Emanuel writes "Nanosphere Announces Protein BioMarker Detection Capabilities" Broad impact on the fields of molecular diagnostics, genomics and proteomics is expected.

Free Nano Lectures for High School Students

Kevin D. Keck writes "Berkeley Lab (my employer) will be hosting a monthly series of Saturday morning lectures on nanotechnology, called Nano*High, open to all High School students and teachers. There is no charge, but you must register in advance. Each talk is also followed by related Laboratory Tour. The first one will be held November 22."

Foresight at Pop!Tech 2003

Foresight President Christine Peterson's talk at Pop!Tech 2003, a conference held Oct. 16-19 in Camden, Maine, on "The Impact of Technology on People", presented Foresight's view on the "Sea Change" to be brought by technological transformation over the coming decades. She was quoted on the importance of investment in developing molecular nanotechnology (recently termed "zettatechnology") for the sake of curing diseases, safe-guarding security, protecting the environment, and easily traveling in space.

Nanomedicine, Vol. IIA: Biocompatibility published

Gina Miller writes "The much anticipated follow up to Nanomedicine Vol. I is now available from author Robert A. Freitas Jr. These are the only comprehensive books on nanomedical devices and are 'must haves'. See press release below."

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