Nanotube-laced epoxy: three times harder, far bett

brianwang writes "The longstanding promise of superfortified heat-conducting materials has become a reality. University of Pennsylvania scientists have determined that adding a relatively small number of carbon nanotubes to epoxy yields a compound three-and-a-half times as hard and far better at heat conductance than the product found in hardware stores. The researchers report their successful tinkering with the commonplace adhesive in the April 15 issue of the journal Applied Physics Letters. Led by Penn physicist Alan T. "Charlie" Johnson, the team created a composite of 95 to 99 percent common epoxy mixed with 1 to 5 percent carbon nanotubes, filaments of carbon less than one-ten-thousandth the width of a human hair. "These findings add considerably to carbon nanotubesí luster as possible additives to a variety of materials," said Johnson, an associate professor of physics and astronomy at Penn. "In addition to adhesives such as epoxy, we are looking at nanotube-based greases that might be used to carry heat away from electronic chips." Johnsonís group determined that epoxy doped with nanotubes showed a 125 percent increase in thermal conductivity at room temperature. "This is the first published report of enhanced thermal conductivity in a material owing to the addition of carbon nanotubes and the first demonstration of simultaneous thermal and mechanical enhancement of a real-world material," Johnson said. Epoxy is an attractive target for fortification with carbon nanotubes, Johnson said, because itís relatively easy to mix the minuscule filaments into it, and there are clear industrial benefits in a harder, better-conducting epoxy. Other scientists have attempted to fortify epoxy with carbon nanotubes, but Johnsonís group succeeded in dispersing the nanotubes more evenly. -net041502.php"

Superconducting film on carbon nanotube

Gina Miller writes "According to a press release (18 March 2002) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UI researchers and their collaborators at Harvard and Rice created superconducting wires using carbon nanotubes as scaffolding to support a molybdenum-germanium film as thin as one nanometer. The researchers demonstrated that the superconduction they observe is due to the film, and not to the nanotube, by using fluorinated carbon nanotubes, which, unlike ordinary carbon nanotubes, are not metallic.
For a report that multi-walled carbon nanotubes might themselves be superconducting at high temperatures, see previous Nanodot post Buckytubes may be high-temp superconductors (28 November 2001)."

Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystals

Gina Miller writes "More on the magnetic properties of nanocrystals in United Press International's Nanotech could power future magnets (30 March 2002), an interview with Laura Henderson Lewis, materials scientist at Brookhaven National Laboratory's Department of Applied Science. "Tomorrow's supermagnets could be made of molecule-sized chunks of materials that normally would never interact, possibly creating magnetic fields strong enough to levitate trains at room temperature…" Lewis studies how magnetic materials perform and interact at the micro- and nano-scale, which involve groups of hundreds of atoms or even single molecules. Because magnetic atoms only affect other atoms a nanometer or so distant, engineering the structure of materials on the nanometer scale provides unique opportunities to control the magnetic properties of the materials. The methods mentioned for achieving nanometer scale control of structure are, however, not especially molecular – rapid solidification and milling with steel balls. For other coverage of nanomaterials research at Brookhaven National Laboratory, see Nanodot post of March 22, 2002 Brookhaven Lab launches nanomaterials research effort"

Nanorods: Nanometer-sized crystalline oxide rods e

Gina Miller writes "An article in the March 4, 2002 issue of Chemical & Engineering News ("Three-Element Nanorods: Nanometer-sized crystalline oxide rods exhibit useful properties" by Mitch Jacoby) reports that researchers at Harvard University, led by assistant chemistry professor Hongkun Park, have succeeded in using a solution chemistry procedure to prepare single-crystal nanorods composed of transition metal oxides. Specifically, they made nanorods of barium titanate (BaTiO3) and strontium titanate (SrTiO3) with diameters ranging from 5 to 60 nm and lengths exceeding 10 micrometers. These nanocrystals have interesting electrical and magnetic properties. "The group has demonstrated that the materials are promising candidates as media for high-density data storage. The new synthesis strategy may be extended to other classes of materials and provides new opportunities for investigations in piezo- and ferroelectricity, magnetoresistivity, and other areas." (For another recent breakthrough with inorganic nanorods possessing useful electrical properties, see this Nanodot post from 30 March 2002.)"

Photovoltaic Paint? (flexible solar cells)

Mr_Farlops writes "Using nanorods and liquid plastic semiconductor, researchers at University of California, Berkeley, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have created a solar cell that can be painted or sprayed onto a surface.

The Sacramento Bee article, which I found on Slash, was a bit short on details and perhaps incorrectly cites this discovery as an advance in nanotechnology."

[Editor's Note: Additional information, including some diagrams of the solar cells, can be found in this joint press release (28 March 2002) from the UC-Berkeley and LBL.

Additional coverage is available in an article from the Reuters News Service ("Group Makes Cheap Plastic Solar Energy Cells", 28 March 2002), and another from United Press International ("Researchers make plastic solar cells", 28 March 2002).]

Nanocrystals' trapped atoms technology

Gina Miller writes "Nanotech Planet has an article explaining the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) new process of trapping single atoms. The new technique allows them to study a single atom's properties using classic microscopy at room temperature without cooling. "We're looking perhaps at a new class of nano-scale materials with novel optical properties," said Barnes, a member of ORNL's Chemical and Analytical Chemistry Division. "The challenge we face will be in controlling this process and fully understanding the mechanism.""

Bridgestone develops nanotech display

Gina Miller writes "Bridgestone Corp., the Japanese automobile tire manufacturer, has developed LCDs 100 times faster than the current displays, using nanotechnology. The company plans to direct the brighter and cheaper panels to the mobile device market. The spokesman says; "the company hopes to unveil a prototype in the third quarter this year, start sample shipping in the second half of next year and begin mass production by the end of 2003." IDGnet article."

Brookhaven Lab launches nanomaterials research effort

The Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, N.Y. on Long Island, formally launched its $55 million new Center for Functional Nanomaterials on 8 March 2002. Research at the Center will focus on collaborative projects with industry and academic researchers to better understand the physical, chemical and magnetic properties of materials at the nanoscale, as well as determine what applications these nanomaterials can provide. Coverage of the new Brookhaven initiative is available on the web:

Although the Brookhaven nanomaterials research center is new, the lab has been involved in studies aimed at understanding the nanoscale properties of catalysts and how electric charges move at the nanoscale (see Nanodot post from 12 July 2001).

Flexible Ceramics at the Nanoscale

RobertBradbury writes "Spacedaily is reporting on the development of complex self-assembling materials that are being described as "block copolymer directed nanostructured organic/inorganic hybrids". The news report is here here. Where is my nano-chainmail?"

eru submitted additional information on this item: "An announcement at Cornell University's website offers a brief outline describing a class of nanostructured organic/synthetic hybrids dubbed 'flexible ceramics' by CU associate professor of engineering Ulrich Wiesner.

The material is described as flexible, transparent, strong and easy to manufacture, with Wiesner stating that "[it] has properties that are not just the simple sum of polymers plus ceramic, but maybe something quite new". "You could almost say we have perfected nature," he adds."

Carbon Nanopores As Alternative Fuel Storage

Gina Miller writes "The University of Missouri-Columbia's recent discovery of a carbon material could become a new fuel alternative for the next generation. MU physicist Peter Pfeifer believes this new material could relieve us of our dependence on foreign fuel and sees a commercially viable carbon nanopore storage product on the market within five years. See University of Missouri website (03/14/02): opores.html Or See Sci News (03/16/02): MC.html"

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