Nanotech VC forum in Israel

from the World-Watch dept.
An article on the Jerusalem Post Digital Israel website ("VC funds begin to explore nanotechnology field", by Tania Hershman) provides a bit of coverage of a one-day forum on nanotechnology held in Tel Aviv on 10 December 2001. Additional coverage appeared on the SmallTimes website ("Israelís big science, VC are just waking up to nanotech", article by Avi Machlis). According to the articles over 200 investors, entrepreneurs and scientists attended the forum, which was sponsored by Tel Aviv University, Deloitte & Touche Brightman Almagor and Neurone, and Millennium Materials and Technologies VC funds, and included presentations on Israeli and worldwide activities in the field.
In an interesting sidelight, another SmallTimes article said a representative of the German banking group Deutsche Bank announced during the forum that the firm has launched an international survey of nanotechnology companies aimed at discovering the factors likely to lead to commercial success for small tech. Jurgen Ilgner, director of the Microtechnology Innovation Team at Deutsche Bank, said the new study, launched in September, is surveying 400 nanotechnology companies across the globe and taking an in-depth look at their development.

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