Nanotechnology a theme of first Autodesk Design Night

The first Design Night at the Autodesk Gallery has the theme “Small is the next big thing: Exploring the frontiers of bio and nano technology”. From Instructables and the Autodesk Gallery:

September 6, 2012
6-10 p.m.
Autodesk Gallery, 2nd Floor
1 Market Street, San Francisco

Introducing Design Night, a new event series in the Autodesk Gallery at One Market held on the first Thursday of every month. At each event, guests will explore a different theme – such as biomimicry, light, or robotics – that challenges the conventionally narrow definition of design. The theme will be reflected in all aspects of the event, from the activities guests enjoy to the food they eat to the music they hear. Design is all about experience, so why limit that experience to just talk?

Please join us as we launch the Design Night series on Thursday, September 6, 6-10 p.m.The theme is “Small is the Next Big Thing” where we will explore the frontiers of bio and nano technology.

General admission to Design Night is $20 and student admission is $10. Admission fees include access to the exhibits, content such as a speaker, music, a hosted bar, and hands-on activities.


Come explore what great design can do.

Nanotechnologically Yours,
Instructables and the Autodesk Gallery

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