Nanotechnology researcher forum launches on Nature Network

Yesterday, the Nature group of publications launched the Nature Network website (pdf announcement), a free networking site for scientists:

This Web 2.0 toolkit will help scientists everywhere to meet like-minded researchers, hold online discussions, showcase their work via personal homepages, share information with groups (open or private) and tag content. Participation is free to all, requiring little more than registration…“I’m delighted that we can further our commitment to stimulating and facilitating scientific communication and collaboration in such an innovative, accessible and democratic way,” says Timo Hannay, NPG’s Web Publishing Director.

The Nanotechnology group and forum is described thusly:

This group will discuss and facilitate research in nanoscale technologies: materials, instrumentation, devices, natural and artificial molecular machines and machine systems.

Since it just launched, there’s not much content there, except for Boston users who were involved in the beta test. I’ve seeded the Nanotechnology forum to kick things off.

Although the site is free, the terms and conditions of use are a bit onerous. Users are instructed to read the Terms and Conditions document, and the Privacy policy document, every time they log in. Sigh. —Christine

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