from the who-will-help-me-grind-my-grain? dept.
Got an idea for the improvement of ForeSlash? Attach it as a comment to this message. We'll use how each comment gets moderated as a rough measure of its popularity and proceed accordingly. Specifically solicited suggestions:
- Topic categories. Those who email PerlDiver an appropriate icon (GIF or PNG no larger than 80 pixels in either dimension) will earn a sterling silver Waytogo from my family collection. Obvious categories (like Medicine and Foreslash itself) are in the works.
- Sections. Slashdot, the mothership, has sections for Interviews, Ask Slashdot, Science, Apache, etc. Please make your suggestion in the form of a complete scheme of sections; the winning set of sections will do a good job of spanning the likely universe of ForeSlash stories without the categories overlapping too much.