Researchers use Nanofabrication Techniques to bring us closer to Quantum Computing

Nanofabrication methods were used to observe a rare state of matter known as a ā€˜half-quantum vortexā€™, which may bring a solution to the decoherence hurdle to quantum computing.

Twisted electron beams could lead to manipulating individual atoms and electrons

Nanofabricated holograms with lines a few nanomaters apart can twist electron beams and should make possible electron microscopes that will provide better images of nanostructures and may be able to manipulate atoms and electrons.

Proteins designed 'from scratch' function in living cells

A significant fraction of small protein sequences designed only to fold into stable structures can substitute for missing natural proteins.

Nanotechnology powers rapid drug delivery by nanoparticles

Catalytic nanomotors deliver nanoparticles containing drugs a thousand fold faster than do nanoparticles transported by Browninan motion.

Synergistic benefit of using nanotechnology to simultaneously deliver two anticancer agents

Nanoparticles that deliver two anticancer agents simultaneously kill cancer cells more effectively than nanoparticles delivering the agents separately.

Molecular building blocks form three-dimensional structures on surfaces

The formation of a supramolecular bilayer is induced by buckyball guest molecules.

Adding fluorine to graphene produces flat crystal version of Teflon

Graphene analog of Teflon could lead to ultrafast transistors and high performance materials for aircraft and elsewhere.

Nanotechnology leading toward spin computers

Inserting a nanometer-thick insulating layer on graphene enables spin injection into graphene, a step toward spin computers.

Devices with atomically smooth surfaces could change modern electronics

High-performance metal-insulator-metal (MIM) diodes made possibe by controlling quantum mechanical tunneling through an ultrathin insulator could change modern electronics.

Surface properties of nanoparticles have profound effect on how cells respond

Gold nanoparticles carrying nucleic acids into a cell must have the nucleic acids tightly linked via covalent bonds to avoid profound, unanticipated effects on gene expression.

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